Example sentences of "and [adv] they [modal v] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And perhaps they would be now were they in a full democracy — one that embraced the interests and votes of all the citizens .
2 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary , and now they can be wholly in charge of this — they can change the layout of it as much as the words within it ; they can ask colleagues to come in and comment and even add a little bit .
3 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary — and now they can be wholly in charge of this .
4 Let Ned Clarke deal with it and then they would be out of her life .
5 People would come and stay the night and then they 'd be there a month , you know how it is : ‘ Can I stay a night ? ’ 'Sure , sure . ’
6 This provides an opportunity to consider a wide ranging review of road safety activities and how they may be best managed to maximise casualty reduction .
7 Dave kept them talking — boasting about their dogs and how they would be back again next week .
8 And how they should be no longer answerable to ordinary working people they know best , they will decide their political record is far from impressive lost four general elections the last one was on their agenda !
9 How we seek to describe these attitudinal variables has always been a problem , and how they can be easily harnessed to the task of language learning has still to be adequately determined .
10 Regrettably , few owners of pet dogs consider such manoeuvres to be part of the regular training routine and yet they can be so vital in preventing the dog from becoming unnecessarily upset when it is injured .
11 Records may have to be kept for reference over a long period of time and therefore they must be adequately protected .
12 And therefore they must be carefully looked after .
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