Example sentences of "and [adv] he have [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He had left the army as a major , but the clerks in the Horse Guards had determined that his majority was only brevet rank , not regimental , and so he had been forced to accept a lieutenant 's pension .
2 A Ewe owned by farmer John Davies has lost a lamb during birth and so he 's been put in touch with Mrs Hunter Blair by the farmers union .
3 Cowan , top scorer in his three seasons at Portadown , is out of contract in the summer — and already he has been linked with Linfield .
4 Mr Bush , a former US diplomat in Beijing , has countered by hinting that when his traducers were fully acquainted with the facts , his actions would be justified — and typically he has been angered by the ‘ personal ’ nature of the criticism .
5 Two days earlier he had been driving troop carriers at Kuchino , one of the KGB 's training centres outside Moscow , and now he 'd been asked to drive for General Benin no less .
6 Where the wings of pain had dropped him , there had miraculously been infinite but unblinding light , a great strenuous joy that was somehow calm , like a crystal bowl that you do not drink out of , and now he had been floated back to the comfortable shore of his cool clean bed .
7 And now he had been made to pay for what he had done .
8 Not once , but six separate times … and now he had been warned off for good .
9 ‘ It was Guido 's arch-rival who he 's beaten into second place twice … he 's the one who took it , and now he 's been arrested . ’
10 ‘ You can imagine what a spell in the Army would have meant for someone who values his fingers as a pianist , so when I came back home I got in touch with some people and now he has been booked for a number of festivals , ’ Alan tells me .
11 And now he has been put down , made to seem anti-Semitic , by a probable anti-Semite .
12 The smaller man was hit first , and then the taller man had seemed to move across to him , and then he had been hit .
13 Yeah well two of mine did go in , one 's gone out into the fire service and the other one has stayed in and he 's got , he , he 's been doing very well , he 's been in a big big comprehensive school up in Runcorn , and then he 's been seconded to Cheshire County to the advisory service for a couple of years and so , hello !
14 The next thing he recalled after that was waking up in hospital and this man with bandaged fingers in the next bed rambling on about a duffle-coat and how he 'd been bitten by a wolf .
15 He loved to tell stories of how he had given advice , how it had been disregarded , and how he had been proved right .
16 He flushed with anger when he remembered how the legal aid he had levied to furnish her to her wedding had brought in only miserable trickles of money on the date appointed , and how he had been forced to send out letters to all and sundry requesting loans to help to pay for her clothes and dowry , and even to borrow abjectly from the City of London and some of its richest citizens , with all the members of his council pledging themselves for repayment , so low was his own credit fallen .
17 And indeed he has been nominated as the centrists ' candidate in the presidential election due in 1996 ( but likely to be held earlier ) .
18 Twice Yin Tsu had thought to link his line with kings , and twice he had been denied that honour .
19 My Lord the plaintiff 's case , as you can appreciate , is that Mr had very clearly , on several occasions in mid October , er requested a way out of this contract there was a way out er under the terms of the contract by service of special notice to complete erm and yet he had been told that there was no way that they could withdraw from the contract .
20 A bandage round his head , a cup of tea in his blunt hands , he looked like the only survivor of some great catastrophe , and Nathan could understand exactly why he 'd been able to move India-May to tears and why he 'd been given a room on the first floor , one of the large ones , for nothing .
21 Seeing his ineffectual bumbling , Jezrael wondered how much use he could be , and why he had been made .
22 Augustus Aikhomu , then Chief of General Staff , the actions of Maina since his appointment in December 1989 , had not been " in consonance with the goals and objectives of this administration and accordingly he has been removed " .
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