Example sentences of "and [adv] i [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A former colleague , and the wife of a senior executive is coming to have lunch with me tomorrow and so I might raise the thing with her !
2 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
3 I have explained to pupils that I do not know ‘ the answer ’ and so I can share the excitement of working out a problem with them .
4 yeah and so I could see the blokes and tell them that were crap at rugby !
5 We agree to help and perhaps I can combine the two visits .
6 That might be a bit awkward , of course , and personally I would use the weapon first and ask afterwards . ’
7 To survive , a performer has to establish dominance within twenty seconds , and already I could feel the pack instinct rising in them .
8 ‘ That way you can get a good look at the château as we approach and also I can have the pleasure of your company . ’
9 And now I 'll do the other half of my reef knot , right , and tuck the ends in immediately , they do n't like seeing ends because they 're considered dangerous in first aid so do n't forget to do it , do the knot , tuck it in all in one movement and then it 's done , okay , how does that feel ?
10 It would seem that we now have four hundred thousand pounds available that was n't apparent before , and that 's come from the Department of the Environment , and that is enough for me to say well , we 've got something out of it , it was n't a fiasco or a waste of time and now I can rejoin the Conservative group with some degree of credibility .
11 And now I will take the vote .
12 And surely I 'll hear the lift if it brings my inquisitor up ?
13 ‘ As he was knocking me all around the ring , ’ said Holyfield , ‘ I thought he 'll miss soon and maybe I 'll get the chance to knock him out . ’
14 forty five and then I 'll have the money to give you straight away for a
15 And then I 'll keep the other one .
16 And then I 'll clean the bathroom
17 And I said well were on our way out so she said alright , were hang on and wait for you to arrive at seven and then I 'll take the rest back .
18 I could manage to lose five or six pounds and then I would break the diet , go back to normal food and put all the weight back on again .
19 As Layton said , ‘ He 'd get off some line , and then I would take the part of a character and so on .
20 And then I shall inform the Public Prosecutor 's department that I 've informed both of you .
21 Wait until I let you through into the last cellar , and then I must take the keys back to the steward .
22 ‘ When I went to school , I were n't above eight or nine year old and I used to have to go hawking milk , as I told you , before I went to school ; and then I used to take the empty cans to school , bring them home at dinner-time .
23 No , well like I have n't learnt it , I ca n't play I can play up to a certain bit in the start and then I can play the rest of it like , it 's just one I ca n't get it 's just real annoying , I have the at the right pitch and I just
24 And what this means is that from now on the cla lectures will trail the classes , which , which does n't matter and is actually quite er a good thing in the sense that what will happen from now on is that we 'll first do a topic in the class and then I will give the lecture on it the week after , or possibly even two weeks after , which is okay because it means that then in the lecture I can concentrate on filling in the gaps , straightening out the misunderstandings and generally adding to what we did in the class , rather than leading as it were as I have up until now .
25 With great respect and kindness and fun and then I will sell the house and the great
26 And then I 'd have the joy of taking it up to Uncle Jonathan to get a new signature and of course he 'd know that something had gone wrong and then he 'd
27 Yeah oh yeah I did n't work anywhere else in Willenhall at all , and erm but we 'd got to be in for seven o'clock and if erm you were n't in for seven o'clock and sometimes I used to hear the bell began ringing when I got to go around the corner and get into the , but you had to wait a quarter of an hour before they would let you in and that was stopped off your money and my wage was eight and fourpence a week .
28 And if it were up to me , I 'd just want to talk about music , about a certain passage of Mozart and how I would place the emphasis at certain points , and how I feel I 'm a good interpreter at the piano , but not particularly a good technician … ‘
29 And indeed I would remind the panel that we still have in P P G one that the basis of appli applications for development should be allowed having regard to development plan and all material considerations unless proposed development would cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance .
30 Yes , I 'm hearing the , the business anti-hostile feeling towards the monarchy in Scotland , and yet I can remember the Silver Jubilee celebrations when these same undertones were about , and yet , she was greeted on her royal progress all over Scotland , even in areas that you would n't have expected with vast crowds !
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