Example sentences of "and [adv] [pers pn] would have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Like other companies we would not be allowed to buy or lease in our own right and so we would have to take on non-producing quota holders to encourage farmers who regularly lease quota themselves to join our supply pool , ’ said Mr Ross , whose aim is to secure some 15 per cent of Scottish milk production .
2 We rented a plot of land and so I would have to take the meal out to my husband at mid-day .
3 There was , however , a growing realization in Whitehall that Britain could no longer ‘ go it alone ’ in weapon development , and so she would have to seek some form of closer partnership with the United States , at least , until Europe could provide a viable alternative .
4 And always , always , however she killed , the moment of agonising red pleasure that was awareness of non-existence , the I stilled , the beautiful blissful moment when she did not exist and they did not exist and They did not exist and the whole dusty lightless World was not — only the certainty of not-existing never lasted and soon she would have to kill again .
5 She was alone in the world and would have to heal herself and somehow she would have to find the strength to do it .
6 It had taken so long … it had taken two young ensigns , a native pensioner and a Eurasian clerk to lift him up to this platform , and now he would have to get himself down again !
7 She was fed up , she was hungry , and now she would have to confront a horde of troublesome workmen lounging about the house , banging nails , screwing screws and making ribald comments when what she had thought she was escaping to was a slice of peace and solitude .
8 But we could find that all of them were worth doing and then we would have to consider comparative advantages .
9 And then we would have to have another think
10 She would issue the new instructions regarding strangers and then she would have to see Mr Lee about a permanent bodyguard here in the house , someone who would blend in … a manservant .
11 If she ever believed that of him , she would weaken , give in to the powerful attraction , and then she would have to admit there were emotions behind that attraction , emotions that would lead her into heartbreak .
12 I told you at the time to stick out and then she would have to get a housekeeper in .
13 For someone to come and clean , and then you would have to pay V A T on it .
14 Well , this is a slightly more complicated application , where you 're not just selling for example straight from stock , but you take orders from customers , and then you would have to manufacture , perhaps to buy in , to assemble , some sort of goods for sending out .
15 In those days , the manure was distributed on the fields in heaps from a horse and cart and then you would have to follow behind with a handfork to rake it and spread it evenly .
16 It would take about er it would take about three days like to really give it and then it would have to lie for a wee while to harden you know , the polish to harden .
17 But there again er it was the time we lived in and you had certain Well yards had their own way of trying to keep track of when a guy was in a toilet etcetera and sometimes you would have to hand in y your er your time ticket , to the toilet attendant , and you would give him this ticket and he would say right you are , you know , and mark down your number on a book and say to you , well you 've got seven minutes or something you know .
18 Unfortunately it would appear , or perhaps fortunately , depending on , on one 's views , erm , the policy has always been quite clear , that we should treat them in exactly the same way as we treat the independent sector , and that there would be an arm 's length independent inspection , that has now been made explicitly clear that that is the requirement , and therefore you would have to withdraw that and say that if there is a requirement to find a further two hundred and fifty thousand pounds ' worth of savings , we will have to go and identify another area rather than that .
19 Erm , er , now of course to get back to the ambulance erm if somebody comes out of an epileptic fit and goes immediately back into another one , then you must call an ambulance , it takes so much from the person , it takes so much energy that the person ca n't possible go into one fit after another , erm without showing some affects and therefore you would have to get them to hospital , if you do n't and they have two or three fits one after another they can die , so they must go to hospital .
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