Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] it [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is also said that he leaves the defence undermanned , but neither charge was proved on Saturday as Barcelona rode adversity in an absorbing match that emphasised , as one knew it would , how hurried and imprecise so much of the British game has become and how necessary it is that we cherish such exceptions as Liverpool , Norwich and Nottingham Forest if the art is not essentially to be driven out .
2 In that little crucible of the theatre that story was demonstrated , that here were people of phenomenal talent , with an enormous amount to give , with the tremendous burning desire to express their feelings and their attitudes , and to the enhancement of other people 's lives , and how cruel it was that it was so few that got through .
3 The disparity between the revenue raised by the BBC in Scotland and the resources allocated by London to Scotland , reported today , highlights just how crucial is the debate over the BBC 's charter and how vital it is that it is made much more prominent in Scottish life .
4 But what Mario liked to talk about most often — aside from the intricacies of the sport , its management and its personalities , all of whom fascinated him , and its machines , which absorbed much of his mind — was his past , his ‘ folks ’ , his kids , his life and how funny it was that he should have wound up where he was .
5 But I was in a foul temper , and Rebecca had n't made it any easier by going on about missing papers , and how urgent it was that we had them back . ’
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