Example sentences of "and [adv] [conj] they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Erm the process check list erm again they 've identified the people on each erm and within that they 've actually nominated people to look at the land ownership which is the , on the ignored with their rider on the previous sheet .
2 Note that unc when an only when A contains at least one element which is not in B. We says sets A and B are equal , and write A = B , when and only when they contain precisely the same members .
3 He was a very easy person to talk to , and long before they reached home she felt as if she had known him for years .
4 He began to apply the cooling foliage to her skin , turning the leaves back and forth as they took on her body heat .
5 He regarded the men beneath him impassively , his eyes flicking back and forth as they looked up at him .
6 ‘ Partly common or garden jealousy , I think , and partly because they tend not to get involved in all the politics that goes on . ’
7 The supply of carpenters in Scotland will not immediately increase : it takes time to acquire carpentry skills and existing carpenters in other parts of the UK may be reluctant to move away from their own area , partly because of the cost of the move and partly because they do not wish to leave their families and friends .
8 However , care should be taken that they do not lose their exceptional hardiness and thriftiness in pursuit of greater yields , and also that they do not become extinct through being crossed with Friesians .
9 It should be noted that these rules relate only to agreements where at least one dealer is involved and also that they do not apply in the case of an agreement to purchase the goods bona fide on a joint account , e.g. where two dealers in partnership together wish to purchase goods for their business and agree that only one of them will bid .
10 The latter are especially interesting since they constitute the outer ring of the EEC and also because they have considerably higher standards of living than do the EEC Member States .
11 There had always been a feeling of pre-destination with Richard and now that they had both suffered so much it seemed stronger than ever .
12 Murderers , bank robbers , gangsters , swindlers , dope pedlars , arms traffickers , terrorists , kidnappers ; ‘ bent ’ bankers , accountants , lawyers , politicians and policemen ; dead , alive , in gaol or simply missing — if they had appeared in print , and often if they had not , he had them filed .
13 The rules are most useful on formal occasions like weddings , and particularly when they happen only once in a lifetime .
14 And even as they fouled up long-held theories on what was sexy , they gave a whole new dimension to perceptions of ‘ womanhood ’ .
15 They had n't said much to me apart from announcing themselves as Detective-Sergeant Hatchard and Detective Constable White , and even when they got back inside , Hatchard talked to the pathologist while White went off for a snoop around , as policemen do .
16 And even when they reached home and she and John were at last alone together , she could not forgo the homecoming she had dreamed of for so many weeks .
17 And even if they had n't told me , I would have known .
18 There was still much danger : the palace was heavily guarded , and even if they got away King Minos had many warships which could chase and sink them .
19 The writer may well have assumed that most book buyers already know of the existence of a writer called Ernest Hemingway , and even if they did not before they picked up the book , they would already have seen his name on the cover before turning to read this biographical sketch inside .
20 Ian is determined not to let her go , and even if they do n't get married they 'll almost certainly become lovers , which will make things extremely awkward . ’
21 However Greene King could relaunch their bid in the near future … and even if they do n't … they 'll still be holding a forty-three per cent stake in the company
22 And then I tell you what , and even if they do n't do it , I let them fucking stay there !
23 And even if they do not , will people believe that they have not done so ?
24 The barons were comparatively few in number ; the Church formally forbade them to marry their sixth cousins or any nearer relatives , and seriously attempted to enforce the prohibition on third cousins ; and even though they did not always accept this limitation , it meant that they looked far and wide in their own class for marriage alliances .
25 FROM their very beginnings therefore , and increasingly as they went on , the Iran and contra policies departed even from the strange norms of covert operations .
26 They played all sorts of tricks while they were learning and then when they came upstairs Victor was doing an exhibition dance , a tango .
27 and then when they break up for Easter and it 's only sort of like whatever it is from now until September
28 And then when they went over to the other side of the road which I do n't walk on very often
29 And then if they come along and change anything we hit , we hit them for the , the extras .
30 They 'd hire them for a couple of months and then if they worked out they 'd keep them on , paying them a pittance , and if they did n't , they 'd say ‘ sorry ’ and the guy would go away .
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