Example sentences of "and [pron] is [adv] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is right that students be initiated into the conceptual apparatus , skills and ways of going on within the teacher 's own discipline ; and it is right that students therefore acquire the discipline required for the necessary understanding and competencies .
2 The Manor is sited in pleasantly wooden grounds and it is here that Alford truly comes to life on Spring and August Bank Holiday weekends .
3 The ‘ Second ’ Prokofiev Sonata comes first on the disc — in its original guide as a flute sonata it dies predate the First Sonata — and it is here that Hardy and Devos really distinguish themselves .
4 Crow Road is also a dingily respectable thoroughfare in Glasgow , and it is there that Prentice beds his uncle 's former lover , his own ‘ Aunty ’ Janice .
5 Feelings and emotions are examined in depth , and it is then that pupils can be seen struggling to come to terms with right and wrong .
6 They appear in vast numbers in the Antarctic Ocean particularly in summer ( they depend for food upon the blooms of phytoplankton ) and it is then that whales like the blue migrate towards the pole to feed .
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