Example sentences of "and [pron] is [prep] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is also noteworthy that there is a provision in the 1980 Local Government , Planning and Land Act for the secretary of state to direct a local authority to ‘ make an assessment of land which is in its area and which is in its opinion available and suitable for development for residential purposes ’ .
2 " Then it will be the Agnes T. She loaded dates in North Africa , and she is on her way to Tilbury .
3 I know her now and she is for my fool 's turn that will be caught by her .
4 And one is in our consortium , the other is not .
5 Spokesman David Pipe said : ‘ Our investigators are continuing their inquiries and everything is in their hands .
6 ‘ Perchance he desires not to receive me — and 't is by his wish I am denied a sight of him . ’
7 Genes directly dictate the manufacture of molecules called proteins , and it is through their proteins that genes exert their effects on the phenotype of the body .
8 Epidemiological risk factors are somehow linked with destabilising influences on breathing , and it is through their avoidance or modulation — for instance through a change in the sensory environment of sleep — that risk of death can be reduced .
9 The ‘ bits of wood ’ of the title are a colloquial term for human beings and it is through their eyes , and their culture , that the story unfolds .
10 And it is through my understanding of drawing , control of the pencil , and study of design , that I can at least set out my figures well .
11 The obscure circumstances of the collapse of the old culture involved invasion , or infiltration , by further Greek-speaking tribes ; and it is with their assimilation that the new world begins .
12 Since art critics have these working assumptions in mind , and it is with their writing we shall be mainly concerned , we need to proceed without being distracted .
13 And it is for his gaffes as much as his gifts that old Colemanballs — the column Private Eye named after them — will be remembered .
14 They are not well off , but they are not on the breadline and it is to our credit that we have a structure that supports people when they are between jobs .
15 It is this idea of social solidarity that provided Leon Duguit with the basis of his theory of law and it is to his work that we now turn .
16 The most observant reporter of saying things by means of deeds was the late Erving Goffmann , and it is to his work that I would like to dedicate the rest of this lecture .
17 I wrote to the Secretary of State for the Environment and was told that it was really a matter for the chief environmental officer of the local authority , but when I took the matter up with the local environmental officer , his response — and it is to his credit that he responded — was , ’ Well , it may be bad , but it is not really so bad that I must take any action . ’
18 Finally , when they get back home once again they are ‘ in demand ’ , and it is in their nature to work for the family again and put their own wants or needs to the bottom of the pile !
19 It is the agency 's job to establish a good working relationship between employers and agency staff , and it is in your interests to promote this by fulfilling your obligations to both by working in a professional and reliable way .
20 Before you end , a few minutes , er , Mr President , I wonder if I can just say , er , that you may remember , this really is a matter arising , but you may remember that , at the last meeting , of , of , the Annual General Meeting of N C V O , er , my organisation , the National Federation of Community Organisations was was bold enough to propose a resolution other than , than those required , and it is in your Minutes , if you have them .
21 It is the point on which the academic community turns , and it is by their research performance that academics take on their professional identity and are judged by their peers .
22 They form a national network and it is from their conference statement that I took the above quotations .
23 Ken Viljoen , then 21 , made the Springboks ' only hundred in the Tests , and it is from his diary that the authors have recreated the events of 1931–32 , on and off the field .
24 But I am as sure as I can be that the uncertainties and multiple complexities , the appalling human and social cost , and what is in my view the cynicism of this war , will demand a far higher price for a far more dangerous future .
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