Example sentences of "and [pron] is [adj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ( The Siege of Troy is available in the same series and is my own favourite of the three , with Helen , Menelaus , Hector and Achilles , and Memnon with the ‘ dark cloud ’ of his warriors from countries so hot that men 's skins are burnt black and nothing is white about them except their teeth .
2 Ideally , a stylometric test of authorship should be a feature which is characteristic of all the known works of a particular author and which is unique to his works .
3 And I can do nothing for you because I 've come to rescue and seek that which is lost , and which is aware of it .
4 In summary , the fee arrangement which you have proposed and which is acceptable to me is as follows :
5 Classical theorists such as Fayol therefore argued that the scalar chain of command must be clearly specified in terms of who holds what authority and who is accountable to whom and for what .
6 An individual who can control and coordinate the other team members , who recognises their talents but is not threatened by them , and who is concerned with what is feasible rather than what is exciting or imaginative .
7 Usually it is the husband who is committed to his career and to increasing his earning capacity , and who is dependent upon his wife for most if not all of the child care and domestic responsibilities , organization , routine , style and comfort .
8 Politicians , administrators , teachers and parents in those countries know how information moves round the system from centre to periphery and vice versa , and who is responsible for what .
9 ‘ I mean it 's the other way round and he is insanely in love with me , and April is mad with him because he is , and she is madder with me because I 'm not , since that is so insulting to them both . ’
10 ‘ I expect you are always interested in Miss Temple 's lessons , because you like her and she is good to you .
11 Or : because he is foreign and she is unused to his ways and meanings .
12 Each of them knows perfectly well that the strength of her position in the home lies in the physical dependence of her husband and children upon her and she is suspicious of anything that would tend to undermine this .
13 They are paid low salaries and everything is worse for them , they have to face the insults of supervisors .
14 A tall tree spreads its branches outside my bedroom window and everything is different from what I 've known : to my ears , my nostrils and my taste buds .
15 He accepts it happened and he is appalled by it , ’ he said .
16 He is a better man than his two younger brothers , and he is different from his sister .
17 Delay has occurred contrary to the terms of chapter 29 and he is entitled to his stay .
18 In that marriage she was easily the dominant partner and Joe let her be partly because it is n't in his nature to be pushy or dominant but mainly due to the fact his father bullied his mother , as we are told and he is afraid of him doing this as well and so fails to protect Pip and tolerates Mrs Joe 's dominant character .
19 The guide 's place of work is an elemental world where man 's passing is no more permanent than tracks in the powder snow and he is glad of his unimportance .
20 It is now a classically wedge-shaped dairy cow , particularly fine about the neck and shoulders , with an alert carriage and generally elegant appearance ; its mild temperament makes it very easy to handle and it is famous for its productive longevity .
21 Her marriage troubles appeared to be firmly under wraps as she told delegates at a Motor Neurone Disease Association conference in Solihull : ‘ It is good to be here again and it is nice of you to have me . ’
22 Young people with no job lose confidence and it is easy for them to slide into living in reversal of night and day .
23 We have identified a new property which we can move to , and it is available to us , either to rent or to buy .
24 According to his account to the House of Commons , Baldwin replied : ‘ Sir , that is most grievous news , and it is impossible for me to make any comment on it today . ’
25 This means that the worst score a Forest Goblin can get on the ‘ Eadbangerz Chart is 2 ( ‘ I fink I 'm gon na … ’ ) and it is impossible for him to ‘ Eadbang .
26 His basic proposition was ‘ That which is is , and it is impossible for it not to be . ’
27 And it is one of my most popular roles , ’ purred Gesner .
28 Nor can it cope with the more general interdisciplinary and modular patterns which have emerged in the last two decades ; and it is university-biased in its assumption that the basic academic unit is the subject-department , whereas composite departments offering broader programmes of study are common in the polytechnics and colleges .
29 At this time of year , mid-Autumn , the snow has usually not arrived in Tromsø and it is possible for you to have the hills to yourself in Tromsdalen or , better , in Lyngen , but this year there was already a metre of the stuff down at sea level .
30 And it is necessary for us to hide it as well . ’
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