Example sentences of "and [pron] can [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 And I ca n't think that you 'd come round at this time of day just for a chat . "
2 Someone must have sent the papers and I ca n't see that the corporals did it .
3 And I ca n't see that what she said to me is any of your business . ’
4 and things , job families er , we 've got that already and we 've got , there 's gon na be the computer thing on careers but you see we 've only managed this year to get it brought down from year eleven , somebody who went into this , keeping it very close to myself , to bring it down to year ten they 're actually you know , it 's very , very difficult to let them remove it and I ca n't see that you can then make that down to ninth year just yet .
5 yeah , I think it 's an organ , and that , that is all in those two recesses , now , you know if I find you know that I do n't get anywhere and I ca n't see that I wo n't , but if , because the bathroom is where the dog is there , of course consequently that comes through the corner of the lounge
6 She is amazed at the attitude of the people she meets : ‘ I thought people would be cold and uninterested , and I ca n't believe that everyone cares so much about us . ’
7 If you can manage to get one photo of a gunmen in all that crowd , how many more were there they did n't get a photo of you know , erm , so that 's bull shit for a start the said that they only fired upon identified targets , going on motorbikes , and erm , I mean the thing is , the para 's are a highly disciplined , highly trained apparently at a you were n't even allowed to go out there without at least five years experience yeah , they were soldiers , they need and I ca n't believe that they negligibly you know , cos there was women and children there , and nearly all of them had wives and kids , you know , and there was reports from like the Irish saying oh yeah , they were mixing body er , care and body people and fucking laughing and joking over dead bodies and my old man said yeah if you just , if you just seen something drop most people will laugh and joke about it , you know I do n't know if you 've ever meet this sort of , old man , but the service sort of a , a unique sense of they can laugh at anything , you know they can see somebody with its guts put out in front of them and they 'll fucking crack out about it , its the only way they can stop themselves cracking up , or fucking crying sort of thing .
8 But he 's so bitter , so filled with resentment , and I ca n't promise that I will ever be able to change that .
9 We were acting in good faith , of course , and I ca n't imagine that anyone is going to be difficult now she is gone .
10 ‘ She always says that on the court she is n't a mum for me and I ca n't imagine that she is n't my mum .
11 Well , I still ca n't imagine what his game is , and I ca n't say that I like it . ’
12 THWAITE hides itself away at the upper end of Swaledale as though it were trying to shelter from the rush and madness of twentieth-century life , and I ca n't say that I blame it .
13 All I can now remember of questions and answers is writing a three-hour essay on ‘ Security ’ , and I can not think that it was very good .
14 The gravamen of the charge is the demand without reasonable or probable cause : and I can not think that the mere fact that the threat is to do something a person is entitled to do either causes the threat not to be a ‘ menace ’ within the Act or in itself provides a reasonable or probable cause for the demand …
15 And I can not suppose that experience itself has given me reason to believe that the unobserved will resemble the observed , since the appeal to experience begs the question asked ; it argues not to but from the crucial belief that our experience is a reliable guide , or that the unobserved will resemble the observed .
16 It will be obvious by now that my account of the emergence of black sportsmen runs contrary to such views and I can not accept that blacks are ‘ made for physical things ’ any more than I can that their continued failure in more formal academic realms is based on inadequate intellectual resources .
17 He is ever confused and his confusion makes him angry and I can not see that it can be helped though it is hard to endure .
18 But they concern themselves primarily with discussing the application of nuclear physics , and I can not see that the work of a biologist could profitably be discussed at such a conference , and certainly not by me .
19 And I can not believe that the two did not exchange at length here , passing the very threshold of such a dominant historic occasion , an event which still burnt into the consciousness of all Scots at the time .
20 Is my hon. Friend aware that I have lived for a number of years without any such advice , and I can not believe that it is really necessary ?
21 The majority in the community from which I come would welcome internment at this time , and I can not believe that the integrity of the Roman Catholic community is such that its members would choose this continued slaughter in our Province in preference to removing from the streets those who command and control the violence that besets us .
22 Mr Smith 's survival techniques are sound and I can not imagine that any accountant would gainsay them .
23 If it is appropriate for the courts to adopt some kind of policy in order to protect government against itself ( and I can not say that the idea particularly appeals to me ) , it should be one that distributes the loss fairly across the public .
24 We work well together , I respect him as a professional , I can laugh at his jokes and I can even accept that his genius probably entitles him to live by a set of standards most of us do n't even recognise as standards — but that 's it ! ’
25 I 've er , thank you , I 've never seen a fox hunt erm I 've er I think once er , once I got along to Cutts Close where the Boxing Day meet occurs and I can well accept that this Boxing Day meet draws a larger crowd of people from Oakham than any other activity through the year .
26 ‘ Yes , Ellie , you do know , ’ he said quietly , in direct contrast to her stormy denial , ‘ and I can either believe that the letters were used merely as a passport for something else , or you are indeed a calculating little bitch intent only on causing pain . ’
27 Well , three nuts spat me out and I can honestly say that the first time I fell , headfirst , facing outwards , above the wall we had just climbed , I really did see stars .
28 I took my parents when I , my son was two and a half , and I can honestly say that my son , I was n't able to devote as much time as I would have wanted to give .
29 over taking you know cutting right in front of you and er , you just , I see things in front of me and I can hardly believe that there has n't been a horrible accident , you know , just seeing the things that happening on the road .
30 It is not the Commission 's policy to disclose the reasons for its decisions , and I can only assume that the Commission prefer the Refreshment Department 's current practices , which were designed to promote healthy and nutritious food in the House .
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