Example sentences of "and [pron] be [adj] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I agree with my hon. Friend , and I am grateful for his support .
2 And I am grateful for your openness . ’
3 ‘ It 's a wonderful opportunity , Christian , and I 'm grateful for your trust in me but you 've already agreed to sell me that fifty acres of new land .
4 Recently my father-in-law died , and I was anxious for our children to go and see him and say goodbye .
5 Different combinations and arrangements of the atoms form the molecules which range all the way from simple inorganic or non-living compounds like salts , water , oxygen and carbon dioxide to the highly complex organic substances elaborated by living systems and which are essential for their proper functioning .
6 After all , he was her brother and she was anxious for his welfare .
7 The zoologist was upset because she felt that the small animal had suffered from the journey in the box and she was responsible for its death .
8 ‘ She has been missing for several days now and we are concerned for her safety , ’ said a Garston police spokesman .
9 And we 're anxious for their friendship ? ’
10 Yes exactly and er you 've heard the tape er she sounds very harassed er and we 're concerned for her welfare .
11 He quoted from it frequently in his letters , and he was responsible for its wide dissemination in England .
12 My instructor was a Sgt Williams and he was remarkable for his quiet voice and stable temper .
13 We have , alas , no sixth form , but Frome would next year have been in the fifth , and he was old for his years .
14 An amendment that the palace be run jointly with the Graduate Union was turned down on the grounds that ‘ the Graduates are too old and it 's bad for their health . ’
15 And it 's important for our staff to be aware of that , and to realize that we have got ta continue to give , those two clients I believe in particular , the best possible service we can provide .
16 It is now a classically wedge-shaped dairy cow , particularly fine about the neck and shoulders , with an alert carriage and generally elegant appearance ; its mild temperament makes it very easy to handle and it is famous for its productive longevity .
17 And it is bad for his cash flow .
18 Because they are obviously scared of needles and it is hard for their parents , having to inject them .
19 May 1910 , and it was necessary for his eldest son to become King George V , in his succession .
20 Had she known more about healthy eating and what was right for her body , she might well have been able to prevent most of the problems that she experienced .
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