Example sentences of "and [verb] them into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
2 Within south Korea policy should be aimed at consolidating democratic groups and drawing them into the military administration .
3 Aptly named Swing Shift , John Frieda takes looks of the past and transforms them into the sleek , set styles of today — with a little from modern technology of course !
4 ‘ If we 're acting for the smaller firm it invariably happens , and if and when we 're acting for the larger firm we always identify the key partners in the smaller firm and bring them into the new management team , ’ Mr Llambias reveals .
5 He believes it should take the parts of our lives that are most sore , most hurtful , most unspoken , most taboo and bring them into the public sphere .
6 And after the harvester they would take in those big tramp coles and bring them into the big hay stack .
7 Where they could have taken genes from an old disease-resistant variety and inserted them into a disease-vulnerable , high-yielding new variety , the old genes can no longer be found .
8 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
9 Cleo took the velvet poison bag and the money pouch out of her drawer , together with a handful of stockings , and stuffed them into an old leather holdall in which she 'd formerly kept a collection of limbs , torsos and heads from broken porcelain dolls .
10 I took the wad of twenties out of the bag and stuffed them into the back pocket of my jeans .
11 So because they do n't like the sound of this the other two have drawn off their magic stone and got them into the top jobs in er consortium !
12 And at once , two more leapt forward and scooped up the bleeding lumps of flesh and bone and flung them into the open furnaces .
13 The authors are able to grab paragraphs from various sources and index them into the semantic net .
14 Stage 4 : Care planning — Negotiating the most appropriate ways of achieving the objectives identified by the assessment of need and incorporating them into an individual care plan .
15 But there will be those who will grab the trends and steer them into a new direction .
16 Use a sharp scraper to lift off deposits and ladle them into an empty bucket for disposal .
17 Mandy spotted them and waved that they were all right , and Matthew turned and headed them into a safe cove , too .
18 erm as regards correlating things together and bunging them into the same factor analysis model and stuff like that er even if the questions are a bit different I think you can still do that legitimately because it 's still sort of expressing the strength of opinion on some sort of scale erm so I do n't see that that 'll er interfere with the ambitions you 've got as regards the data erm so er
19 Discussion — which develops conclusions and incorporates them into the historical pattern of evolving knowledge , perhaps offering some conjectures but avoiding speculation .
20 As I clambered into the boat , moored near her big yacht , Lucy took the bottles of beer and Coca-Cola and put them into an open net bag which she lowered over the side , tying the net with a long rope to a hook on the gunwale .
21 Where they become problematic , especially for members of marginalized cultural groups , is in what they begin to mean if we take them out of the pristine hot-house of the academy and put them into the messy struggles of day-to-day life .
22 ‘ She collected all the patients ' false teeth last night — and put them into the same bowl !
23 She scooped up the bits of spilt polystyrene in her hand and dropped them into the waste-paper basket .
24 ‘ Specially Arranged Music ’ refers to those scores where a musician , in collaboration with a choreographer , selects from the varied works of a particular composer and weaves them into a viable ballet score .
25 In the ‘ we-reap-as-we-sow ’ category this week there are reports by Computer Reseller News that WordPerfect is now thinking about dusting off its long-standing complaints against Microsoft Corp and turning them into an anti-trust action if the US Federal Trade Commission does n't hop to and litigate .
26 He had taken a group of talented individuals and moulded them into a superb team , ridding them of their old factions and weaknesses , and showing the disbelievers that black men were every bit as good as white .
27 Tony 's enthusiasm for the feel of this SG-shaped model with its 24 fret neck enabled JD to take the dimensions and incorporate them into the new instruments he built for Iommi .
28 In Ninfania , no one threw away the feather of a bird or the peel of a fruit or the seed from a melon , let alone such durable items as the buttons and hooks and eyes from a worn-out item of underwear — I 've seen you still snip them off an old bra , even today , and drop them into a little box in your sewing basket .
29 She picked up her discarded clothes and threw them into a small bureau , scratched and marked by years of neglect .
30 Men and women carried their own children on their shoulders to the church and threw them into a common pit .
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