Example sentences of "and [verb] their [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Coins rained down on to the stage , and accepting their payment caused her more embarrassment than the impromptu show she was putting on .
2 I mean you can re-dress it up in Freudian terms and say their unconscious did it , which is really a very similar thing to say .
3 Some ministers , notably Mr Nicholas Ridley , registered scepticism about the wisdom of the scheme during the meeting and doubted their ability to sell it to MPs and voters .
4 Some ministers registered scepticism about the wisdom of the scheme during the meeting and doubted their ability to sell it to MPs and voters .
5 To achieve the twofold aims of consultation — deepening teachers ' understanding of any pupil 's special needs , and enhancing their ability to meet them — the consultative role has been geared as outlined to :
6 Each large egg remains attached to the stem at the top , while the smaller microscopic sperms are released into water and wriggle their way to fertilise it .
7 They have asked for advice and exercised their right to reject it .
8 The men following up therefore had only to pinion the defender and use their momentum to force him backwards to be given yet another kick instead of a scrum .
9 Where are the missing works illustrated here and do their owners know they are fake ?
10 They set about reinforcing and extending their property to give it much the appearance it has today , apart from some modern restoration .
11 The probability — it can be no more , given the absence of hard evidence — is that Zuwaya used superior government when it suited them , exercised it over others when they could , and did their utmost to escape it when it threatened their property and privilege .
12 A parallel Committee on the Staffing of Local Government was established at the same time ‘ to consider the existing methods of recruiting local government officers and of using them ; and what changes might help local authorities to get the best possible service and help their officers to give it ’ ( Mallaby 1967:iii ) .
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