Example sentences of "and [verb] that [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
2 She caught herself smiling ridiculously when he 'd gone , and realised that she felt quite cheered that he had n't simply given her a lift to Prague , seen her safely installed in the spare bedroom , and then forgotten about her .
3 Tamar laughed with her and realised that she felt less depressed about the forthcoming confinement after this little spell of humour .
4 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
5 Good to get your card the other day and to know that you got safely home from , even if concerned by the cost of the visit .
6 Some hours after the alleged attack , Sharon McLean ran out of the Peace Gardens in Holt Street , near Wrexham police station , and pretended that she had just discovered the body , the jury was told .
7 Hugh 's mother , climbing out of her taxi with a zip bag full of baby clothes , heard the laughter and wondered if she should contact Hugh in wherever it was and suggest that he came home .
8 Perhaps Mr Henderson , the United States ambassador at Teheran will convey this assurance to the Shah and say that it comes personally from me . "
9 In the end I went to the police and found that she 'd just reported that he was missing . ’
10 She reached out for the time and found that she had over forty hours still to go before she met the contact again .
11 Robinson paid tribute to Mrs Ash 's excellent housekeeping , and lamented that she had never become the Mother she was ideally suited to be .
12 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
13 Squaring her shoulders and remembering that what lay ahead was , after all , a job interview , she followed Dr Russell up the long flight of steps at the front of the house and through a wooden latticework door on to a cool veranda where outdoor furniture splashed with warm tropical colours was invitingly arranged .
14 Then she stoops for some pebbles and warns that I 'd better come in now .
15 She most feared what people thought of her , and imagined that they talked constantly about her behind her back .
16 In the bed she lay and imagined that she had never come here , that her life went on , between the shop of Mr Gerard and the flat .
17 Her sympathy for Mrs Wallington helped her to ignore the realisation that it was an enormous relief to be away from Anthony and with people who produced an atmosphere of such calm and ease that she felt immediately at home with them .
18 An army spokesman pointed out to journalists that the men were being held under anti-terrorist legislation and added that they had already been interrogated and had been ‘ singing like birds ’ , a phrase from the criminal underworld implying that they had confessed to crimes .
19 When Granpa asked me what I wanted for my fifteenth birthday I replied without a moment 's hesitation , ‘ My own barrow , ’ and added that I 'd nearly saved enough to get one .
20 He told the recruiting officer that he 'd been a sergeant in the Boer War and boasted that he knew more about the Army than all these whipper-snappers who were waiting to join with him .
21 It is an autumnal sign and one in which the ‘ balance ’ might be tipped one way or another , and in sexuality could hover between male and female , with one sexual scale dipping then the other rising obediently and almost passively , distantly , independently , in an alternation of identities and desires that I knew so well .
22 His mother had returned home without him and stated that she had never felt he was really her baby .
23 In the coming year , every one of us must raise the level of our performance , enhance our personal skills and ensure that we meet successfully the challenges of the current market and our planned expansion .
24 In particular , he will consider the problems faced by those who come back from Germany who may be made redundant and ensure that they have somewhere to live while they are looking for a job .
25 He spent November at Roxburgh , where he issued letters patent in which he recognized Edward III as lord superior of Scotland and declared that he had already done homage to Edward , in return for which Edward had agreed to maintain and protect him and his heirs in the kingdom .
26 There 's the erm er the value of the contract per year , there 's a first year you know it 's just the the co cost of the ad thirty percent that 's what the commission was worth and it 's nice to come out with a signature for a erm and this was a charity one so they got it slightly less , erm er and know that you 've just earned yourself that much .
27 ‘ She hurt him dreadfully when he came home from Africa , crippled and his career in the army over , just when he needed her loving support the most , and now she has the gall to chase him again , when I hoped and prayed that he had finally recovered from her brutal treatment of him . ’
28 I have seen Colonel Steiner 's medical record and note that it 's only been a matter of weeks since he was gravely wounded .
29 The cashier eventually broke down and confessed that he had accidentally killed Mr Dwerringhouse knowing that he would be carrying £70,000 .
30 For a moment he wondered about her , what she thought of all the ribbing and chipping that she received almost every day in this place .
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