Example sentences of "and [verb] that [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By securing the support of the head teacher and staff of a different mainstream school she was able to place her opposition to a recommendation for residential schooling on a firm footing and insist that her understanding of Tom 's needs be tested in practice .
2 They agreed with our four focus areas , and agreed that our strategy of offering our employees and their skills , rather than just money was the right one .
3 I also saw a vision of a ‘ better ’ world and realised that my duty as a mother was no longer in the kitchen , but in that world .
4 He insisted on examining my alchemical equipment and pronounced that my method of Fixation was inexact .
5 And say that their members save their newspapers too .
6 The boy saw through the fanaticism and found that his sense of chivalry was excited .
7 Ideally , you will have come through this week and found that your liking for tea , coffee , chocolate , and cola is now influenced by how much they like you .
8 There was a momentary crisis when the telex failed , and he was cut off from London , but two Tongan soldiers arrived on his doorstep in the middle of the storm , saluted smartly , acknowledged they realized his predicament and promised that his links with the outside world would be restored ‘ as a matter of the utmost priority ’ .
9 She often works up to 16 hours a day and says that her role as Pro-Vice-Chancellor does not intrude on her research .
10 A mass meeting of sacked Timex workers in Dundee has decided NOT to rebel against last week 's peace deal and accept that their fight against the company is over .
11 He was so modest , reticent , and reserved that his paper on his voyage of 1880 , given at the Royal Geographical Society , had to be read for him by the secretary .
12 Herbert Henry , the taxi-driver , had told customers in the Frog and Ferret that its effect on house prices would be catastrophic .
13 ‘ What will you have ? ’ he enquired , going over to a drinks table while she tested out the couch and discovered that its appearance of comfort was no lie .
14 On Oct. 11 Iraq 's permanent representative at the UN , Abdul Amir al-Anbari described Resolution 715 as an affront to Iraqi sovereignty and hinted that its implementation by Iraq was unlikely .
15 I agree with much of his interpretation and find that my understanding of the Chewong coincides in many instances with his of the Semai .
16 If governors are actively involved as a dynamic , lively group and feel that their contribution to decisions and actions is not only valued but essential , then enthusiasm and commitment snowballs .
17 But the relatives of the dead , when they heard what was afoot , raised a storm of protest and demanded that their rights to the stores should be respected .
18 Finally , some teachers did not return the questionnaire because they had not been in the school at the time of the review and felt that their knowledge of SSE as a general notion was too limited even to enable them to complete the section on general attitudes .
19 ‘ Ashley was disappointed to be left out and felt that his record over the past few seasons was good enough for him to have kept his place .
20 Joseph looked ahead and saw that their side of the boulevard was blocked by two carts with big , iron-rimmed wheels .
21 ‘ I can only weep and wail that my years of workless wandering have left me no riches to offer this holy infant !
22 IN THE beginning there was John Mortimer QC , waxing lyrical about the great ideals of the 1945 Labour government and judging that its commitment to the welfare state and social equality made it the greatest this century .
23 The effects of the international division of labour should make it easier for workers in these countries to discard their role of real or supposed world labour aristocracy and recognise that their fate on the world labour market is inseparably linked with that of their fellow workers in the underdeveloped countries .
24 The Russian Federation government on Jan. 29 called the patrols " tantamount to a state of emergency " , and complained that their presence in Russian cities and towns would be a violation of Russian sovereignty .
25 The members of the Board felt that a community approach was essential and hoped that our work with the community would complement the work being carried out by the above and other organisations in the area .
26 Rhodes was not overawed by the bowling during the World Cup , feeling ‘ comfortable ’ against Curtly Ambrose and the other West Indians , but he appreciates the difference between one-day cricket and Test cricket and knows that his record of just two centuries in 40 first-class games is not enough to guarantee him a place in the Test side .
27 It was my intention to carry out Charlie 's wishes and see that his share of the money was distributed equally between his three sisters .
28 ‘ Of course not , ’ she said quickly , already on her way out of the room and feeling that her attempt at asserting herself had not been a success .
29 He was quick , she noticed , to take her up on any casual remark and supposed that his interest in other people 's affairs and their reactions had something to do with the novelist in him .
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