Example sentences of "and [verb] that she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Having stopped a couple of times for refreshment , Fabia returned to her hotel around six o'clock , and realised that she had found Mariánské Láznë quite enchanting .
2 Charity glanced at the clock as she poured and announced that she 'd missed it , Peregrine asking if it mattered a hoot anyway , the wireless these day being so hopelessly uninformative , with nothing more important to impart than news of patrol activity on the Maginot Line .
3 There was a terrible urge within her to just run away and hide , curl up into a tiny ball and forget that she had made such a stupid , stupid mistake by allowing herself to fall in love with someone as ruthless and cold as Luke Denner .
4 I got my staff to check on the Charlotte T. , and found that she had sailed the day after Andrew Stavanger wrote his letter .
5 We made enquiries and found that she had helped her mother to carry water every day in Bangladesh .
6 Roger , an art historian , had first gone to the Mansions as Margaret 's friend , and maintained that she had said : ‘ Of course I never read Ivy 's trash . ’
7 It was in the course of that initial watching and listening that she had come across Amy .
8 Mandy had shaved several years from her life , and put that she 'd spent her last few summers working as a waitress at the Banff Springs Hotel .
9 ‘ Oh , we prefer to keep our relationship very private at this stage , ’ she answered the other nurse , sounding much less assured , now , to her own ears , and regretting that she had started this silly game .
10 The five-star novelist gave me an unfathomable glimmer when I closed the car door for her and remarked that she 'd had a long chat with Harry that afternoon on the telephone .
11 She had put them on without thinking , because they were what she had always worn for travelling outside London , but she began to wonder what David 's mother would think of them and to wish that she had put on her good black coat and skirt instead with one of her London hats .
12 The Empress had ordered her to do whatever was necessary in order to leave with fitzAlan , and if she had n't been so angry and confused that she had forgotten the threat to Edmund she would have complied .
13 She was wearing the coat with all the buttons and buckles that she had worn the first time I saw her outside Kaama 's flat .
14 He 'd check it and find that she 'd left .
15 She immediately choked , coughed , and felt that she had swallowed something .
16 When I asked why this was so she explained that since her husband died she had been managing well and felt that she had coped with all the trauma .
17 He noticed that the cassette-player had been moved and saw that she 'd removed the tape .
18 He looked at Nell , and saw that she had reached the same conclusion .
19 But then she felt the sudden tension of the others , and knew that she 'd pushed it too far .
20 He saw and understood that she had prepared herself for him .
21 She opened her eyes to the darkness , a darkness too often populated before sleep by those familiar , reproachful , childish faces , brown , black and white , bending over her , asking why she had deserted them when they loved her and thought that she had loved them .
22 She saw an empty sandwich packet on the wooden bench beside her and remembered that she had decided to eat lunch in St James ' Park .
23 And complained that she had refused to let him in when he had returned from the wine bar having forgotten his key .
24 He woke in a fury two hours afterward , and said that she had upset his rhythm and that he had to make some calls .
25 As Felicity blushed , Julia belatedly remembered David 's disapproval of his chief 's wife and wished that she had kept her questions to herself .
26 She remonstrated with him and explained that she had stopped because she had never seen such a fish before .
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