Example sentences of "and [verb] that [pron] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 George did , and yearned to tell him the Army had thought of it , that Maxim had mentioned how they worked under codenames , then wondered if the Army should tell Moscow that , too- and realised that he was after a list , as well .
2 Later , at the staff table , Sarah told Catriona and Patrice that she was from New York and that she and her mother were travelling around Europe .
3 It has attempted to climb above the condom in the fresher 's priorities list and announced that it is considering giving students a significant voice in the pay rises of their lecturers .
4 There are even a few who I 'm sure do n't have a care in the world , although I 'm almost prepared to stick my neck out and say that they 're in the minority .
5 He gave up looking and found that he was on his own .
6 Standing on the front seat , Eb felt a rivulet of ice-cold water run down the back of his neck , and found that he was underneath a leaking gutter .
7 Iraq denied that the cylinders were part of a gun and maintained that they were for use in the petrochemical industry .
8 The upshot was that I was summoned by the university authorities and told that I was to be allowed to continue my studies but only under certain stringent conditions .
9 Will Her Majesty 's Government recognise the Government of Ukraine and show that they are on the side of democracy and freedom ?
10 I wanted to get on with the drop — the pilot had been in that freezing water for long enough ! i changed to a right-hand hold , then I talked to my passengers as much as possible to keep them calm and show that everything was under control .
11 And yet we know the conditions under which the sequence was written and notice how fragile it is , how much a willed order , and how dependent upon a bravura performance — and suspect that it is from these elements that the permanent value of the poetry springs .
12 Blake 's aim is to introduce linguistic tools and demonstrate that they are of value in the analysis of literary texts .
13 I think Sussex has got to find a new , new hat , and got to express itself and demonstrate that it is in no sense relying on twenty five years of erm of erm fairly high reputation that the next twenty five years and the next twenty five years after that are just as challenging , perhaps even more so .
14 Authorities will need to analyse the services that need to be provided and ensure that they are in place .
15 And then , reassuring myself , I would gaze upon the white and gold protector , the messenger of the Almighty , and know that everything was in order .
16 And in my translation here it 's got And know that I am with you always , yes to the end of time .
17 Keep strong and remember that I 'm with you every minute . ’
18 If the person taking the blood sample is asked for what purpose it is being taken and replies that it is for an HIV antibody test , a person who does not wish an HIV antibody test to be done should expressly say so , and should also ask for this refusal to be entered in their medical records .
19 Only at Wrexham were painful thoughts quite unexpectedly revived : Coleridge caught sight of Mary Evans , and discovered that she was in the town visiting her grandmother .
20 A widow had the shock of her life when she opened a letter from her local council and discovered that she was in arrears with her rent .
21 The Priština committee of the Party issued a statement which described the organizers of this petition as ‘ nationalists , chauvinists , and fascists ’ , and alleged that they were in contact with ‘ hostile elements ’ in Belgrade .
22 The steward is said to have issued the boys with a receipt , made out for £5 and indicating that it was for the journey from Stonehouse to Gloucester .
23 The weekend of 13/14 March was used to do the cut over and to ensure that everything was in full working order .
24 But , however confident you are after being wooed and won by an overseas recruiter , you may feel isolated and vulnerable once you have signed a contract and find that you are on your own .
25 You move closer , and find that someone is at the bottom of a deep pit .
26 Miss T. being an adult , it is doubtful whether we have power to make a restraining order of the kind which is often made in the case of children whose medical treatment is in issue before the courts , but I hope and believe that it is in any event unnecessary .
27 ‘ We talk about him a lot and feel that he 's with us .
28 Explain to them as much as you can about what 's going on and emphasise that they are in no way to blame .
29 We gradually got to know some of the members of our Pathfinder Squadron , and to realise that they were in fact rather special .
30 Monks were supposed to enjoy Lectio : in the scriptures and in the writings of the fathers of the Church , the monk had an encounter with the divine and felt that he was in some mysterious sense studying God himself .
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