Example sentences of "and [verb] a [noun] of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More than likely the explanation for such results lay simply in the fact that the elderly , institutionalized patients who formed Cameron 's subjects were so pleased to be noticed and made a fuss of in experiments of this sort that their memories improved as a consequence .
2 successfully complete and gain a mark of at least 40% in the centre set , HCIMA approved , examination relating to the area of study .
3 By then several million years have elapsed since the birth of the star and its iron core contains several solar masses and has a density of about and a temperature of about 109 K. Further collapse is inhibited by the electron degeneracy pressure : this pressure is the direct consequence of the Pauli principle requirement that two electrons can not occupy the same quantum state .
4 British Manufacture employs 300 , mainly at Grantham , Lincs and has a turnover of between £20m and £30m a year .
5 In 1986 , the Dutch had the EC Presidency and proposed a cut of at least 50 per cent for West Germany and others , with 40 per cent for Italy and the UK .
6 The traffic moves at a fast pace and averaging a speed of over one hundred kilometres an hour is not difficult .
7 I had spent four hours catching nothing and he simply swooped down and lifted a trout of at least 2lb from under my nose .
8 The rooms , erm we 've tried to this has been a bit tied up since the broadcast , we 've tried to have it fairly cluttery so that kids for instance if they 're not used to sheep , can come and come and have a sniff of of of er you know .
9 The eggs were clear and had a diameter of between 0.6 and 0.9mm and mostly floated at the water surface .
10 Get a pair that you can afford , that are easy to handle , and have a magnification of from 7 to 10 ( resist the temptation to go for higher power ) .
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