Example sentences of "and [verb] be [vb pp] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most universal of all designs ; it is found in the artistic and religious expression of cultures as far apart as America , Europe and India , as well as China , and has been ascribed many meanings ; the most popular of these are happiness , the heart of the Buddha and the number 10,000 .
2 The latter has a chequered history and has been altered several times within its life in Poland .
3 The village is well known for its flowers , and has been rewarded several times with a place in the Britain in Bloom Competition .
4 ‘ Linking ’ and ‘ intrusive ’ are special cases of juncture ; this name refers to the relationship between one sound and the sounds that immediately precede and follow it , and has been given some importance in phonological theory .
5 The fact that NTS have deliberately cut publicity about Ben Lawers is not new and has been reported many times .
6 Ken Stewart , MEP for Merseyside East , has met EC commissioners and has been told that German and French objections to Merseyside gaining a large slice of the European structural fund are no longer a problem .
7 He looks promising and has been used this season as a replacment for Wallace .
8 Gotti had been prosecuted on three previous occasions — while the current trial was in progress the foreman of the jury in the 1987 trial was indicted for conspiring with Gotti to return a not guilty verdict in exchange for $60,000 — and had been acquitted each time .
9 We also felt that Zephyr had been under pressure due to her immense popularity and had been given little opportunity to show off the gentle side of her nature — in the same way the more extrovert patients had dominated the evening while those of shy and retiring nature had slightly missed out .
10 It was from Camilla Parker-Bowles and had been written several days before the engagement was officially announced .
11 It had been imposed at the height of serious anti-government rioting and pogroms in February 1990 [ see p. 37256 ] , and had been shortened several times , but only now was the security situation deemed by the city 's military commandant to have stabilized .
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