Example sentences of "and [verb] the [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clauses 84 to 92 carry over and develop the arrangements for valuation set out in the 1991 Act and provide for changes to be made in lists to take account , for example , of new properties and appeals against taxation .
2 So they compromised and gave £100 to the Barlow Clowes Investors Group which was formed last July to represent the investors ' interests and co-ordinate the fight for compensation .
3 More recently the land belonged to the Bute family who rebuilt Cardiff castle in the nineteenth century and laid the foundations for Cardiff 's prosperity as a coal port .
4 ‘ The idea was developed by four brewers who got together and devised the system for brewing beer in a container ’ says Smillie .
5 About 160 B.C. an original thinker had emerged among them , Aristobulus , who applied allegorical interpretation to the Bible and paved the way for Philo .
6 The unfortunate incident meant Sonya was immediately out of the competition and paved the way for Vina Buller to come from third into first position after Caroline Sharp had also faults on cross country .
7 Lord Donaldson described the measure as ‘ fatally flawed ’ and attacked the framework for consultation and approval of the rules as a ‘ choreographed quadrille ’ .
8 The Charity Commissioners considered the problem , and asked the Goldsmiths for advice , the latter being well versed in the difficulties that some of Stockport 's inhabitants could cause .
9 The assassination by a Korean of the resident general , Itó Hirobumi , during a visit to Manchuria in 1909 , marked the end of all attempts at conciliation and became the excuse for annexation .
10 Mr Brownlow came in , took off his gloves and met the Minister for Trade and Industry , the Rt .
11 A proactive stance is essential in terms of setting and maintaining the mood for change across the various agencies of justice .
12 In many ways they seemed to have been on the verge of civilisation , as they kept pigs , and cultivated the land for millet .
13 ICMS is a combination of ways to manage crops in order to conserve and enhance the environment for wildlife and people while at the same time producing quality crops of economic yield .
14 You will also need to run an airstone from an aquarium pump to the fish to provide them with plenty of oxygen and to monitor the water for ammonia and nitrite .
15 Some countries are trying to improve the policing of waste management and raise the penalties for rule-breakers .
16 The report went on to comment on the absence of objective criteria for setting health priorities and to emphasise the need for health service research to be multidisciplinary .
17 The report sought ‘ to reflect the organic relationship between the various aspects of English and to emphasise the need for continuity in their development through school life ’ .
18 The company formed when , having a laugh in Australia and pretending variously to be leading London DJs and models , they picked up on Blundstone boots and Hard Yakka moleskin clothing and got the go-ahead for UK importing .
19 It is usually in the position of seeking to sell new debt in the short term but it is also concerned to promote efficient trading mechanisms and to sustain the demand for government debt in the long term .
20 On completion of training the trainee becomes a third assistant purser and has the possibility for promotion up to head purser level but always dependent on the individual 's ability .
21 The SunAccount package is powerful , flexible and has the potential for growth .
22 Sabbath ! — a true Sabbath , a restful day , when all nature sweetly unfolded her beauty ; while man , unless blinded , must admire , and if he has been taught to worship , each look at nature would a note of praise call forth , and pave the way for prayer .
23 The Government have taken a strong lead in international forums to restrict the use of drift nets and to increase the safeguards for whales .
24 Upstate city-dwelling environmentalists are not much welcomed by conservative and strongly Mormon southerners who have mined , logged and ranched the land for decades .
25 My friend and I , realizing that extreme damage was about to be done to someone or something , ran to the nearest telephone box and phoned the police for help .
26 Politically it was the awakening of these groups which was most important , for as Professor Christie has concluded : and opening the way for developments that would only mature in the years after Waterloo .
27 For the back legs , roll two longer , slightly fatter sausages of icing and flatten the ends for feet .
28 When the free-kick eventually took place , Irwin sidestepped a defender and squared the ball for Paul Ince , whose shot was blocked by Monkou .
29 Shearer beat the offside trap and squared the ball for Mitchell to tap in. 3-1 to Town .
30 Shouting ‘ Long live democracy ’ and singing the ‘ Internationale ’ , they were in some ways evoking the spirit of ‘ May Fourth ’ and paving the way for others to take in following years .
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