Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] [vb infin] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I went into the water industry at seventeen years , and I 've still not figured out how to do these new ones and make them go backwards I can do the other ones .
2 We would tread very carefully but we have done this sort of thing before and we would try and make him realise just what he 's doing to himself . ’
3 Bring fully into the consciousness of your patient that particular lift of his mother 's eyebrows which he learnt to dislike in the nursery and let him think how he dislikes it .
4 ‘ It 's the hymns that are the great stumbling block , ’ Everard went on , ‘ but really the only thing is to abandon oneself to the words uncritically and let them flow over one . ’
5 But if the feeling persists then see your doctor or health visitor and let them know just what you 're feeling and for how long you 've felt it .
6 But if the feeling persists then see your doctor or health visitor and let them know just what you 're feeling and for how long you 've felt it .
7 You can hear them from a long way now what you do is you sit them down and let them take up their own particular position , you can , if they 've got their medication their Ventilin or whatever , you can put it beside them , they will know if they need to take it or not , get them with the fresh air and let them take up their own position which is usually leaning forward so that it expands their lungs , talk to them about something different because sometimes well they 've got to think of what to answer you , it 's relaxing those tubes , now if they 're taking their medication and it does n't work within about five minutes get them to hospital , because the only people that really die with asthma are those that have taken medication and keep saying I 'll give it a few more minutes , give it a few more minutes and if they 're getting worse and worse they 're leaving it too long .
8 You can hear them from a long way now what you do is you sit them down and let them take up their own particular position , you can , if they 've got their medication their Ventilin or whatever , you can put it beside them , they will know if they need to take it or not , get them with the fresh air and let them take up their own position which is usually leaning forward so that it expands their lungs , talk to them about something different because sometimes well they 've got to think of what to answer you , it 's relaxing those tubes , now if they 're taking their medication and it does n't work within about five minutes get them to hospital , because the only people that really die with asthma are those that have taken medication and keep saying I 'll give it a few more minutes , give it a few more minutes and if they 're getting worse and worse they 're leaving it too long .
9 At the same time as he stood up he slid his hands beneath her skirts and let them rise up her legs to her thighs , his face quite wickedly triumphant at his own cunning .
10 Lovely warm things will be said to-day : she might not be dead if we had said them to her while alive , and let her weep out her hurt and pain at her rejection on our shoulders .
11 ‘ Tell Wally to keep his eyes open and let me know when they pass him , ’ Hitch instructed .
12 Perhaps you could test the water at your end , and let me know when you could come .
13 Ring me and let me know how you do . ’
14 Deal with it , discuss the evidence amongst yourselves and when you have arrived at your verdict please return and let me know how you find .
15 ‘ I want yow and Frankie ter pay yer Granny a visit every Sunday and let me know how she is .
16 ‘ If I find favour in the eyes of the Lord , he will bring me back and let me see both it and his habitation ; but if he says , ‘ I have no pleasure in you , ’ behold , here I am , let him do to me what seems good to him' ( 2 Sam .
17 And if they could agree to make it all worthwhile and let us know just what they really are . ’
18 ‘ Think about it and let us know when you get back — we wo n't pressure you , but I know you 'd have nothing to do but relax and be your wondrous self . ’
19 Do read the piece and let us know how you feel : if WOMAN can do something to help , I promise we shall .
20 erm we 'll put a notice up or something erm around the exam period and let you know when we we will go out and we 'll try sneak a few beers in after your exams but before the start of the second semester so erm
21 Well she said she were gon na call and let you know how she got on .
22 I am writing this partly to get it clear in my head and to help me make up my mind .
23 Eventually , after about a week , her little head would pop up over the hill and watch me put out her food as I whistled , but she would n't come down for it until she felt the coast was clear .
24 I saw pain in her face , and felt it rush up my arm .
25 And do you remember when you had to cut all your borders out ?
26 Okay do you want to make a note of that and do you remember how we did it ?
27 And do you know where you 're having that teaching practice ?
28 And do you know why I left her ?
29 And do you know when they came ?
30 And do you know when I 'll see Jim ?
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