Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Those who saw him then say he seemed to shrink into himself and lose what ever vestige he had till then retained .
2 One of the photographers was Monty Fresco of the Daily Mirror , and seeing him there increased my anger threefold .
3 she has n't gone out and sold it though has she ? for one or two fairly decent names er
4 He 'd called her Rory earlier in the evening — when they 'd been dancing , when he 'd kissed her and made her completely forget she was in the middle of a crowd of people .
5 And made us tenderly lift their sprays ,
6 And has he never discussed his will with you ? ’
7 In 1835 de Tocqueville admired ‘ the extreme skill with which the inhabitants of the United States succeed in proposing a common object for the exertions of a great many men and inducing them voluntarily to pursue it . ’
8 John Wesley edited an abridged edition and used it widely to support his sermons .
9 Instead I concluded he was about as frightened of death as I am so why , in the good Lord 's name , did he get up and bore us stiff telling us different ?
10 ‘ Carry my respectful greetings and compliments to your kinsmen , Gwilym and Rhys ap Tudor and their brothers , and say I still owe them a shrewd knock for their taking of Conway on Good Friday of last year .
11 ‘ But I have to be honest and say I never marked her as someone who was going to become a great journalist .
12 Says another curator , ‘ Rusty may not have the vision to say , ‘ We need a Guido Reni at the National Gallery ’ he 's not the sort of person who could walk through the baroque galleries and realise they even need one , though if a curator went to him wanting to buy one , I think Rusty would certainly be supportive of the move , whereas Carter would basically have turned up his nose and said ‘ no ’ ’ .
13 Yes , it was real , it was happening : sitting with her back straight and her head up in the carriage on the way back , she thought how proud her father would have been to see her at the centre of all this pomp and splendour , and found herself mentally comparing his craggy looks and red beard with Joãs clean-shaven face and small , manicured hands .
14 Yet even when he was sequestered and suspended he still kept his privileges and immunities as an officer of Chancery .
15 Greimas maps onto his diagram Propp 's basic narrative chiasmus : traitor ravishes king 's daughter and transfers her elsewhere to hide her , hero finds somewhere king 's daughter and gives her back to her parents .
16 Her lip trembled briefly as Tony hugged her and Maureen kissed her again before they left , but she quickly recovered and told them unsmilingly to give her love to her father and the family .
17 They then drew alongside him and told him again to put his hands on the handlebars .
18 In other words , having a space open to all , where you 're a bit of a showman and hope someone else likes it as much as you do .
19 And let everyone else eat them up .
20 I 've got a file called income two , and let me just erase what 's here first of all .
21 And let me just remind you of the principles of this technique .
22 Which I know is all a lot of money and let me just tell you here , what we have spent this year on advertising .
23 The brother of Yucel Ozen , who died in custody on 24 November 1991 after interrogation at Beyoglu Police Station , claims that he had been telephoned frequently by police who made veiled threats and advised him no to press his complaint concerning his brother 's death .
24 If Miss Lightbody arrives later and says anything just refer her to me . ’
25 Roman put his hands on her shoulders and turned her gently to face him .
26 No it 's not sit and watch somebody else do it it wo n't hurt her
27 This is where we need to listen to what they 're asking and what they need , and give them enough to satisfy them .
28 While I 've still got it I can take it out and look at it and know I still have it .
29 The human pulled at the gate and swung it enough to allow itself inside .
30 Study their rates and then decide to throw them into touch and get somebody else to do it .
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