Example sentences of "and [verb] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 A second survey covered Northern Ireland at a similar density ( Applied Geochemistry Research Group , 1973 ) and revealed an arsenic anomaly over the Sperrin Mountains where the Curraghinalt gold deposit was later found .
2 Why do n't you just cut it all up and put a curry sauce over it ?
3 A temporary solution is to enlarge the pinhole , empty out the water and tie a plastic bag over the ball .
4 Place the meat on one half of the pastry and run a lattice cutter over the other half to within 5mm/¼in of the pastry edges .
5 At last , satisfied , he went to the sink and washed his hands , then came back and threw a muslin cloth over the board and its bloodied contents .
6 Now you do n't have to rely on this , because you can ring through to head office in the evening , or you can ring through your branch while that 's open , and get a computer quote over the phone , but actually find it quite useful if somebody asks me to be able to give them an idea of how much it 's going to cost them .
7 Divide the warm rice onto two plates and pour the celery mixture over them .
8 He eased his hand into his trouser pocket , and slipped the blackjack loop over his wrist .
9 Doctor Laura Maingay changed her sandals for driving shoes , pulled on a pair of string-backed driving gloves and wound a silk square over springy brindled hair .
10 He approached and ran the circuit detector over Quinn 's body from head to foot .
11 The council had recently authorised an adjoining owner to construct and pave an access way over part of the road verge .
12 Pour the soup into soup cups , add the mussels and float the egg/cream glaze over the surface .
13 She finished , fluttered her lashes at me and smoothed the corduroy dress over her wide hips .
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