Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 Following the path with my thoughts wallowing in nostalgia , I soon found myself back where I started and crashing into the people I had heard through the mist .
2 With the Fokker lurching and shuddering in the storm I unfastened my safety-belt , staggered up to the pilot 's cockpit and was finally able to bellow into ‘ Buck ’ Buchanan 's ear that the mail had been left behind .
3 But as we left the tarmac road and headed up the hill I made a grave error .
4 I was astonished , and a little dismayed , by the ease with which Dana entered into the spirit of things , giving Indian war-whoops and clowning and laughing in a way I thought was rather contemptible .
5 They emerged as I began thinking about and writing about the data I collected .
6 Once I was inside and looking at the space I had and the needs I had identified , I saw my task differently from the people who had come out of production , many of whom , whether men or women , continued to want to master/ mistressmind productions themselves as Executive Producer .
7 Apart from doing the job of Principal ( for which I shall need a lot of help from the Lord ) , and living as a Christian I do n't yet know what the Lord wants me to do out there .
8 But when darkness fell , he was always in the bushes by the gate ; and waking in the night I would sometimes hear a shrill cry , ‘ Come out then !
9 I shifted my weight , angled left , and shot into the big Castle Surf which was building and adding to the wave I was on .
10 Well somebody said to me , when I get to traffic lights instead of turning right and going through the bar I turn left and go , as if I 'm off up to North Cross .
11 I was beginning to feel suspicious about my room , but when he opened a door with a key and turned on the light I saw a small clean room with a bed , a table and a chair .
12 There is a lot left to do so can we please er try and stick to the point I have to chair right to respond should he so chose , but not about the cars in Stretton Avenue .
13 A huge , heavy , panelled oak door faced it , and peering through the windows I saw that it led into the mill kitchen .
14 I was climbing up all these stairs to the office and thought by the time I get to her , I 'll be too puffed to dance properly .
15 I learned that my parents had got to London and prayed for the day I 'd be able to see them .
16 I was amazed and terrified at the change I had so casually brought about in her .
17 ‘ I went up to my room and worked on the lecture I 'm due to present this afternoon .
18 ‘ Leave your country , your people and your father 's household and go to the land I will show you . ’
19 On the other side , the fraught quality is greatly heightened and increased by the feeling I 've already described that the Treasury 's figures are there and absolute and that to transgress beyond them will be the end of civilization as we know it , and interest rates will go sky high and hyperinflation will return .
20 I 'll go and stand in the corner I think for being naughty .
21 I love my fiancé very much but his personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired , and judging by the conversations I 've had with friends , their men are just the same .
22 ‘ I tell you this , Mr Millet , two or three years ago I would n't have had the time to sit down and chatter about a chap I have n't seen for more than a year .
23 And to get to the passage I know of is n't easy , but with this little key I can open the doors now .
24 And mark in every face I meet
25 I was hidden in a coffin and taken to a cemetery.Then I was disguised in priests garb .
26 I was hidden in a coffin and taken to a cemetery.Then I was disguised in priests garb .
27 The finishing-off jobs were taking longer than even I thought , but gradually both houses were furnished and fitted to a standard I wished I had met myself in holiday homes .
28 The dog refused to budge , so , instructing the two older girls to hold tight to the younger , I heaved up the 196lb of stubborn fur and staggered to the railing I went down to extricate my struggling son and carried him upwards followed by shrieking pleas of , ‘ Daddy , do n't leave us ’ and ‘ I want a carry ’ , from the frantic tadpole in charge of two red-faced little girls who were now starting to show signs of stain and filling tear-ducts .
29 And one day , with jarring abruptness , I was twenty-seven , and the little inner voice stopped jeering and sneering at every man I met and began to whimper and bleat .
30 There I tried to ease my worries by shipping a Freezobalm and thinking about the fee I could be carrying away from Ixyphal II .
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