Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Christina followed her eagerly , laughing as she showed her friend how to body-surf on the smaller waves , and then how to dive and tread water waiting for a really big wave .
2 Cumberland Lodge was and is a remarkable foundation : a grace and favour house belonging to the sovereign which , in the years after the War , had been set aside to serve as a meeting-place for university teachers and students .
3 Many bright ideas — and failed ideas looking for a second lease on life — are being put forward as ways of converting weapon-grade plutonium into a form too awkward for the weapon-minded to bother with .
4 The gallery was filled with smoke , the guttural screams and crackling sounds coming from the chamber occupied by the secretary , Cosmas .
5 Solution ( or dissolution ) is the simplest process whereby minerals can be decomposed and involves water acting as a solvent .
6 The mass spectrometer imposes electric and magnetic fields on the ions in such a way as to separate and count ions according to the ratio of mass to charge , and thus to establish the mass of the molecule .
7 ‘ My husband Rob went outside and found Oliver lying on the floor saying his neck was hurting and he could not move . ’
8 Jack came in the side door and found Aengus sitting in the cloakroom studying his glasses .
9 Fox woke , and found Mouse kneeling at the basin , rinsing clean both his own messkit and hers .
10 We rode on to the moors and found Linton lying in the same place as before .
11 The wall surrounding the house next to the road was demolished , with large chunks of masonry and shell splinters whistling through the trees .
12 It was exciting to travel up on the night train and to find Granny waiting beside the fire in the hall , as exhilarated by the festivities as any of her grandchildren .
13 A convenient notes section on each page points out major features encountered and emphasises detail occurring in the plate illustrated .
14 Management need these systems in order to help them establish sustainable goals and to provide information relating to the long-term decisions of the organisation .
15 to publish and disseminate information relating to the curriculum for schools
16 He walked along Platform 2 and noticed smoke coming from the signal box .
17 In November 1971 the Council set up a committee to consider its future relationships with the colleges — ‘ to consider what changes are desirable to afford greater independence to polytechnics and colleges in planning and operating courses leading to the Council 's degrees ’ .
18 Perhaps an interim step would be to develop the concept of co-operative or team teaching with the class teacher and support teacher working as a team , each sharing the responsibility for the education of all children , similar to the model described by Bell and Best ( 1986 ) .
19 Civic Forum contested the elections as a coalition of groups and parties from the conservative to the far left , and favouring approaches varying from the centre-liberal to the social democratic sections of the political spectrum .
20 As they dragged her away from the flaming Audi , she had turned and seen Adam lying on the road , shielding himself .
21 The stunt was practised in slow motion , before the cameras rolled and captured Crawford zooming between the lorry 's wheels as it moved at fifteen miles per hour .
22 Capital financing and budgeting proposals relating to the above
23 Capital financing and budgeting proposals relating to the above
24 where the issue is tangential and raises considerations going beyond the scope of the Convention or too complex to be covered in it .
25 This year Biggin 's organisers are opening the show site a day early , on Friday 19 June , to give the public an opportunity to see aircraft arriving for the Air Fair and watch performers practising for the airshow .
26 Turnover shall represent the net value of deliveries made , or services rendered and includes adjustments arising from the use of estimated prices in previous years .
27 Information exempt from disclosure is defined and includes information relating to an individual 's education .
28 And they got the survey going , and they got enough people to volunteer to go round and interviewing people living in the flats , to get all the information that was required .
29 An advertisement appeared in the Scotsman drawing attention to the sale of " the whole valuable stock of letter-press and printing materials belonging to the Caledonian Press , who are giving up business with the premises No. 31 Hanover Street " .
30 The model will simulate a ‘ linguistic agent ’ able to generate and interpret discourse relating to a specific task .
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