Example sentences of "and [verb] [conj] [verb] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I kept imagining him talking and laughing and thinking what his last thoughts would have been as he travelled along that road . ’
2 People ring up about the match they 've just been to and complain or say who they think should be the next England manager , etc .
3 It was the ‘ small ’ things at Uppark that Meg saved and cherished that made it what it so uniquely was — the chair covers , the blankets Prinny pulled up to the portly royal chin , the original wallpapers in the attics where this quiet , remarkable woman worked to such effect .
4 It 's not really an all-rounder 's instrument , as over-application of a flatpick can reveal some boxy and harsh overtones , but without those same qualities the guitar would lack the fast , bright response and the bounce and snap that make it what it is .
5 And we did n't bother , we could n't do anything much for these rabbits and try and kill them you know , as much as we could aye .
6 And there used to be like a big bobbin there and you to and they used to go like that and chuck it up and try and catch it you know , and And we used to play shuttlecock and battledore .
7 Now , that 's and example of functional group isomerism what I 'd like you to do now is to try and decide what these two things are called I 'm gon na put on the board and try and decide what you would call them in terms these general labels under structural isomerism .
8 They do an excellent job , members should take a little more interest and go and see what they do .
9 I think there 's always exceptions , but I think you 've got to believe in yourself and go and do what you want to do and if you 're saying there 's opposition , there 's gon na be more opposition , if
10 Well why do n't you use your head and go and do them yourself ?
11 When the old woman and the boy were in the summerhouse they looked up and smiled and showed her what they were making .
12 They ca n't bear that , the Anglos , they 'll cringe and shiver and swallow whatever you tell them .
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