Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The chaplain went white as snow and fainted straight out of the pulpit .
2 Then he kicked his horse forward and led on out of the yard .
3 The dog immediately began to bark , and made off out of the room .
4 The Brocklehurst family stood up and moved slowly out of the schoolroom .
5 She locked her desk and her office , and moved majestically out of the Centre .
6 Cassie dropped her pen and moved swiftly out of the room and down the steps onto the landing .
7 He works for the Aycliffe Centre for Children and lives just out of the constituency in Newton Aycliffe .
8 Another thought struck her , as she showered and peered blearily out of the windows at the translucent blue and gold morning on the horizon .
9 Preston sat there for a while stroking her and then , when he was sure that she was sleeping soundly , he crossed over to the window and lifted a corner of the curtain and peered cautiously out into the street .
10 One Saturday morning , without telling anyone of my plan , I boarded a bus and headed off out of the Lesotho capital of Maseru and towards Roma where I knew a witchdoctor lived .
11 He flung the kitchen door open and staggered blindly out into the back garden , weaving his way across the lawn .
12 Henry went to the front hall , put the chicken and the jack on the table by the front door and trudged back out to the Passat .
13 Thoughtfully , she went back out to her car , got behind the wheel and drove slowly out of the village , turning down the narrow , winding lane to Finningham .
14 She tried to blink the red mist from her eyes , failed , and toppled backwards out of the image field .
15 The big green bird rolled around and sailed easily out of the cabin , backwards .
16 Sit cross-legged on the floor and ease forward out of the hips .
17 The path becomes very rough where it leaves the burn and climbs steeply out of the glen .
18 She did not fire when I asked her to go with the winner and faded right out in the last furlong , ’ said disappointed rider Frankie Dettori .
19 Sometimes , before their numbers were made up , one or two of them would come to the edge of Steep Ridgery and look gloomily out over the sea of greenery as though wondering whether they dared set out without waiting longer .
20 He pushed the accelerator to the floor and hurtled flat out down the track , more off the ground than on it .
21 Unless low income-earners can achieve , at a stroke , a very large rise in earnings and jump right out of the trap , it is virtually impossible for them significantly to improve their situation .
22 He tucked the knife behind his seat and climbed backwards out of the cab down onto the loose stones and sand .
23 As Rostov watched , the lieutenant dropped his weapon and pitched forward out of the hatch .
24 Later on , when they stop looking for us , we can go to a port and get right out of the country . ’
25 Wincing , she eased on her coat , picked up her bag and saddle and walked slowly out of the weighing room .
26 Gathering her dignity together , Theda turned and walked slowly out of the bedchamber .
27 He sat still for another half-hour or so , then got up and walked slowly out to the water 's edge .
28 He put Nick down , and the lad hitched his pyjama trousers and walked wearily out of the lounge .
29 I got up and walked quickly out of the coffee shop , up over the footbridge and on to the other platform — jumping on to the train just as it was about to go .
30 He jumped to his feet and walked quickly out of the room , slamming the door behind him .
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