Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [num] [unc] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 The Ignalina plant , located north-east of Vilnius , is Lithuania 's only nuclear power station and produces around 60 per cent of the country 's electricity .
2 The Alpha level corresponds to the subconscious and involves almost 100 per cent concentration .
3 Ham ( 1985 ) reports that the private sector provides 5 per cent of acute beds , 8 per cent of all beds and receives about 8 per cent of all non-emergency admissions to acute hospitals .
4 This should not be taken too literally — not every rock in the crust is a granite — things like limestones are vastly different in composition — but the average composition of all the rocks on the continents is about that of granite and contains over 60 per cent of silica .
5 The creation of artificial waters does much to replace this loss , and five of the 12 sites in the table are gravel pits or reservoirs and support about 30 per cent .
6 ‘ Pristine ’ areas include national parks and national wilderness areas and cover approximately 1 per cent of the federal land area .
7 The Pennyland estate in Milton Keynes has over 100 houses that have been designed to catch as much sun as possible , cutting annual heating bills by 40 per cent and costing just one per cent more to build .
8 The company achieved significant growth during the year with both home trade and export up 12 per cent on the previous year .
9 Moderately rocky land having peaty soils and comprising about 25 per cent of the Outer Hebrides is especially extensive on South Uist , eastern Benbecula , north of the Harris mountains and on the metasedimentary rocks in South Harris .
10 Retailers are constantly unable to meet demand for organic produce and import around 60 per cent from abroad .
11 This replaces non-domestic rates ( i.e. property taxes levied on commercial , industrial and other business premises ) , whose levels have previously been locally determined and raised about 17 per cent of local government income in England ( 1984/85 figures , Douglas and Lord , 1986 , p. 15 ) .
12 The delay knocked work back two years and swallowed about 4 per cent of the total project budget .
13 In 1910 , all the other minorities , to which had been added the Muslim Serbo-Croats of Bosnia-Herzegovina ( annexed in 1909 ) , outnumbered Germans and Magyars combined and provided about 58 per cent of the subjects of the house of Habsburg .
14 This , it is thought , would have given him time to renegotiate exemption and pay only 40 per cent capital gains .
15 In the contests for around 52,000 seats on over 2,300 local councils , Solidarity-backed Citizens ' Committees won over 41 per cent of the seats nationwide and performed strongly in the main cities , making a virtually clean sweep in Gdansk , Krakow and Wroclaw and taking nearly 90 per cent in Warsaw , the capital .
16 Hinkley Point A , for example , even with the benefit of the ‘ mechanized army ’ so lyrically portrayed by The Times correspondent , took seven and a half years to build instead of its projected five , and went about 25 per cent over budget ( £34 million ) .
17 The quickening pace of commerce increased the urban population : a mere 3 per cent of the population in 1700 , it rose to about 8 per cent in 1800 and reached around 11 per cent by the 1850s .
18 Taking a gamble , the British Greens contested all 78 mainland seats and took nearly 15 per cent of the vote ( but no seats because of the first-past-the-post rule of British elections ; i.e. there was not a single constituency in which the Greens had a majority ) .
19 From a restored base at Barings , where he exercised autocratic leadership and took almost 50 per cent of the distributed profits ( amassing thereby a considerable personal fortune ) , Revelstoke exercised great influence in the City and Whitehall , though always remaining in the background of public affairs .
20 The amount of such mail handled by the Post Office increased threefold from 1975 to 1987 , reaching 1,626 million items and making up 7.7 per cent of total national expenditure on advertising .
21 Yet the Third World makes only 8 per cent of all fertiliser , and consumes about 15 per cent .
22 Since 1919 , great armies of faceless conifers have stamped their way across the highlands and the lowlands , Sitka spruce now covers half a million hectares and makes up 52 per cent of conifers planted by the Forestry Commission in Scotland and Wales .
23 Floating on these plates , and covering about 30 per cent of them , are masses of lighter rock , which form the continents .
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