Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [pron] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of my last year I was called by Bishop Knight and asked where I would like to serve .
2 Students should be asked to consider particular items of costs that are traditionally classified as variable and fixed and to comment how they would expect them to behave over activity levels in reality .
3 I smiled to myself as I let in the clutch and moved off I would stop at the shop and tell the little man that he could collect his pans without the slightest fear of being torn limb from limb , but my overriding emotion was one of relief that I had not cut the sparkle out of the big dog 's life .
4 Living and dying here you would feel much the same .
5 Study the advertisements now appearing and show how you would have done them .
6 In Warsaw , dozens of East Germans were last night waiting in front of the embassy , filling out forms and wondering where they would spend the night .
7 It came back , like a pain , temporarily dulled by drugs , in the terrible early hours in Emily 's bed where he lay , awake and fretful , scourged by his conscience or his sense of preservation , or whatever it was he had so recklessly ignored , tensed for another screaming fit and wondering how he would explain to Brenda that it was n't his fault .
8 Rachel stiffened , wondering what was coming next , thinking that Belinda might ask why Jennifer was n't his girlfriend any longer and wondering how he would answer , but she had n't bargained for Belinda 's line of reasoning .
9 Yet each time that third line came round the tune seemed to gather itself up and find new energy from somewhere , and perhaps it did n't fall quite so far each time in the fourth , and Tabitha was captivated despite herself , watching the pretty man play and wondering how he would end it , how he could ever resolve the disagreement between the rush and the ebb , until she realized suddenly that he had , with a quiet , lilting little rill that ran up and then down and flicked its tail and was gone .
10 In summary , I hope that the contents of this letter provide you with an overview of the services that KPMG is able to offer in connection with your ambitious plans and demonstrate how we would propose to undertake the assignment , capitalising on our relationship with [ Solicitors ] .
11 During the official opening ceremony one van driver who arrived at 10.35am was turned away by police and vowed angrily he would return to his warehouse for instructions .
12 When she was being important and rushing around she would push them up into her hair .
13 It outlined a set of principles and indicated how they would work in particular instances .
14 Gradually , during his visits there , he began to tell her how much he had been looking forward to it , and confided how he would remember their ‘ walking the policies , ( which is what Delia Sutherland called a businesslike like across her property ) and sitting up late at night drinking brandy , discussing plans .
15 ‘ Some people told me I should have told the selectors to shove it and play for my club instead , but I thought if I kept quiet and plugged away I would get my chance — but I did n't think it would come this season , ’ Andrew said .
16 She told me that if I left Roy and went home she would forgive me having Carla and everything … forgive me bringing shame on them by marrying a hoodlum .
17 Owner Ricci Burns says : ‘ Peter has a wonderful eye and he vetted all the outfits and knew exactly what would suit Tara . ’
18 ‘ Would n't it be lovely if Terry was one of them ? ’ a colleague said , but Sarah said quietly that she had received a letter from him and knew when he would arrive .
19 One day , when he was feeling a little stronger and thought perhaps he would try to start another letter , Mrs Avery appeared at his door .
20 The Government said that if we worked hard and trimmed down we would survive .
21 Try and think how you would feel if that happened to you .
22 ‘ It means , ’ replied the elder hedgehog , ‘ that you simply put yourself in the dog 's place , and think how you would like someone to behave towards you . ’
23 It enables the Commander to maintain a mental picture of the location of any team , and to think how he would react if an incident occurred to any one of them .
24 ‘ I worked all my life and saved so I would have no worry when I retired but it 's a different story now .
25 She glanced around her , instinctively assessing and planning how she would like this place to be .
26 I had little to do except wait and see how they would attack me next . ’
27 Corbett rubbed his eyes wearily and wondered when he would rest from this interminable business , who the attackers of yesterday were and , more importantly , who had paid them ?
28 I picked up The New Principles of Gardening , a leather-bound tome by Batty Langley ( d. 1751 ) and wondered when she would have been b .
29 She knew he would be in hospital a long time and wondered how they would manage if he ever came home .
30 He only knew that Chris worked on the grocery side of the shop , and wondered how he would know him , but his problem was soon solved .
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