Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And points out they have also received dozens of letters complimenting them .
2 This course is trying to put science and engineering together , and at the same time tackle a broad field of energy which spreads through industry into the home , into transport , and to see how everything goes together — science , engineering , economics , social and human questions — they all come in .
3 But it would be no good to them and say well you know right in the middle of nowhere , cow er sheep or cow country , there are a number of courses we would n't touch because we would n't be able to get enough sus er you know even with five erm major businesses .
4 Nicholson was left smarting and wondering why he had ever strayed to the glamour side of the business from the safe haven of Corman 's mini-budgets and rented sets .
5 Because we are engaged in practical actions of great complexity , which we nevertheless ‘ pull off ’ day after day , we have little time to stand back and analyse how we do all the things that we do .
6 Rather it is necessary to look at the people involved — the professionals — and understand how they relate both to their clients and to the organisations in which they work , for it is these structures that powerfully condition the primary relationships .
7 He had searched the corridors but found only tools that were so old and rusted together they fell apart if he tried to use them .
8 So I took my card and went in I thought well I 'll pay for this by , by cheque
9 But because they retire earlier and live longer they need more .
10 Dulé passed them and remembered how he had only felt wonder , not this stab of pleasure , when first he saw them sleeping on the ground near Ariel 's cabin that long year ago .
11 And erm he actually , he , he started off and , and was very nervous but the summing up of it was , was brilliant erm and I , I would n't put it across as well as what he did but the principle of it was that he , he suddenly turned round and said right I have now changed my job , right , you are now looking at the new managing director of Friends Provident , he says , and the first thing I am going to do is I 'm cutting all your wages to eighty five pounds a week , what are you going to do about it ?
12 One of the phenomena of his campaign was the presence of large groups of women who would scream and faint whenever he came anywhere near them .
13 What I 'll do is I 'll try another straw poll at the end of the seven lectures and see how we feel then to see if we 've erm we 've shifted , so I think there it was about , I 'm guessing , sixty five thirty five in favour of Maastricht .
14 and see how it goes then .
15 Indeed it would be entertaining to trace all his mistakes ( including his comic theory of tides ) and see how he corrected earlier guesses as he progressed .
16 And because they were not so well known the audiences were always enchanted and wondered why they had never heard them before .
17 She stared at the golden eagle , so arrogantly and eternally poised , and wondered why she had ever thought birds on furniture were a bit off : why had she never bothered to look , why had she never asked herself what her eyes had told her ?
18 ‘ I 've often watched you in the past and wondered how you know exactly the right time to enter the bidding , the right time to leave , ’ Moran praised .
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