Example sentences of "and [noun] would be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 This combination of violas , cellos , and four horns would be sufficient to bring the part through , but further breadth and sonority would be gained by the addition of some of the lower woodwind if they can be spared .
2 The information gap between executives and shareholders would be bridged by employing an independent , outside consultant to study how the firm is being run and whether the strategy is correct — a five-yearly management audit .
3 Specialist positions such as goalkeeper and striker would be joined by the mediator and even ambassador .
4 The Boards of Directors of each airline would be appointed by the Cabinet , and their profits and losses would be borne by the Exchequer .
5 He explained that by 1996 all trades and industry would be covered by NVQ 's and government funding for training would only be given for NVQ 's .
6 Dalton seems to have been worried that the Party rank and file would be bewildered by the turn around .
7 It seems improbable that anything comparable to the traumata commonly employed in psychological experiments with mice , rats and dogs would be encountered by human children .
8 But such pain and sadness would be eased by the mega-fortune that the phetam would bring .
9 The social services team contracted to take and act on referrals within specified times ( the office would be manned between 9 am and 5 pm and referrals would be taken by a duty officer ; urgent referrals would be dealt with within two hours , non-urgent cases would be contacted within five working days ) .
10 It was hoped that free trade in goods throughout the region would be ensured by 1995 and that the movement of capital and people would be deregulated by the end of the decade .
11 With characteristically bad judgement , Charles now turned back to the Scots , with whom he made a secret treaty under which the Solemn League and Covenant would be confirmed by King and Parliament , and presbyterianism would be established in England for a limited period .
12 Thus the issue is now being considered further and comments would be welcomed by SCOTVEC .
13 Under communism there would be no exploitation , and society would be run by and for everyone on the basis of equality and community .
14 The late part of the lifespan would then lag behind the current optimum more than would the early part , and senescence would be caused by the extra ‘ lag load ’ .
15 One might expect that differences in the level of regional income and employment would be accompanied by a migration of labour into the more prosperous regions .
16 The aims of the national curriculum and its related assessment procedures were set out in a consultative paper published in July 1987 in which it was anticipated that standards of educational provision and attainment would be raised by :
17 A pure capitalist economic system would be one in which property was privately owned , so that all goods and services would be produced by private enterprise in response to economic incentives .
18 A pure socialist economic system , by contrast , would be one in which all property was publicly owned so that all goods and services would be produced by state enterprises and in response to political priorities .
19 In cases where life imprisonment was thought to be the appropriate sentence , the trial judge would still specify — in open court — the number of years to be spent in prison , taking the gravity of the offence into account , and release would be determined by a judicial tribunal .
20 He proposed a constitutional system in which the executive and legislative branches of government would be totally separate , in which the executive would be headed by a president above party politics and in a position to represent national unity and the long-term national interest , and in which the prime minister and ministers would be appointed by this president rather than by parliament .
21 A UN spokesman said the air bridge between Srebrenica and Tuzla would be operated by British and French helicopters .
22 Where one such lift is used the dock and load would be balanced by a suspended weight but two such lifts would generally be arranged to work simultaneously in opposite directions so as to balance each other .
23 There was a continuing Conservative fear through the winter and spring months that Chamberlain and Birkenhead would be seduced by Lloyd George into agreeing to a snap election , and that the rest of the party would be confronted with a fail accompli , highly damaging whichever way they decided to play it .
24 Thus both management and employees would be covered by some sort of bonus scheme , maybe related to different indicators of performance .
25 While acknowledging the value of this leaflet , it was agreed that a clear statement of our convictions and intentions would be welcomed by the majority of our supporters .
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