Example sentences of "and [noun] are [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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31 Underlexicalisation and metaphor are shown to be inadequate for the development of analytical reasoning skills .
32 With Texas producing the units in the quantities needed , the Sparcstations and upgrades are expected to be deliverable this quarter .
33 June and July are felt to be the best months for climbing , though the weather in August is still good enough .
34 As one might expect , West Germany has inherited the ability to maintain vast dossiers on people within its borders and , bearing in mind that some 8,000 spies working for East Germany and Russia are said to be operating in West Germany , there is certainly plenty for them to do .
35 River insects develop wings in the last stage of their life cycle , and dragonflies are known to be able to fly many miles .
36 Leibniz 's view is that the sources of individuation lie within the entities themselves ; in other words , entities are regarded as basic , and places are said to be explicable in terms of relations between entities — " entities " meaning here " individual substances " or " monads " .
37 Drug cartels and terrorists are reported to be taking over the counterfeit clothing business .
38 Northumbrian , Wessex , Southern and Yorkshire are thought to be vulnerable .
39 If bladder and testicles are found to be clear of disease , the most likely culprits are an adductor strain or osteitis pubis .
40 An informal survey of guests in residence reveals that the standards of the cooking and service are admitted to be high , but that the menu is thought to be unimaginative , the wine list extensive but inappropriate , and the hours inflexible .
41 Negotiations with Holland and Sweden are expected to be opened soon .
42 Efforts to chart continuities in maladjustment almost invariably fail to find more than a small relationship between early attachment or infant behaviour and later emotional or behavioural adjustment , and although very early relationships and behaviour are seen to be very important , most researchers aiming to demonstrate this fact end by concluding that discontinuity rather than continuity is the rule ( e.g. Lewis et al. , 1984 ; Fischer et al. , 1984 ) .
43 Another , equally sinister , is the way in which most public meeting places and telephones are assumed to be bugged ; even the family is no longer a safe environment in which to talk .
44 Workers are said to be rationed in the labour market and firms are said to be rationed in the commodity market .
45 Pesticides washed from farms and gardens into creeks and ponds are thought to be responsible .
46 Special needs , disability and handicap are perceived to be part of a list of rights for so-called minority groups .
47 EXCHANGE and research deals with universities in Finland and Estonia are expected to be sealed by Dr Anne Wright , rector of Sunderland 's new university this week .
48 That is to say , if creativity and psychosis are found to be connected then this is more likely to be revealed , not as a function of the psychotic state itself , but in more subtle ways — for example , through certain modes or forms of thinking and perception which the tendencies to psychosis and creativity might prove to have in common .
49 The overall facility is quietness and staff are trained to be unobtrusive .
50 Professional outlooks and personal feelings about cases and people are bound to be affected .
51 No two years are alike , and what succeeds this year may fail next : further , your early plans will be made without complete knowledge of all the factors , and modifications are bound to be necessary .
52 In all cases , three copies of the application and affidavit are required to be lodged at court — no fee is payable .
53 In days of yore , such places were spattered with the blood of sacrificial victims to ensure good fortune in battle , and dunters are thought to be the spirits of these unhappy people .
54 Other types of fraud and mistake are held to be insufficient for the offence of rape , and bring the case within the lesser offence of procuring a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse ( section 3 , Sexual Offences Act 1956 , carrying a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment ) .
55 TENS OF thousands of phantom azalea bushes and geraniums are believed to be alive and growing in the gardens of Northern Ireland after the discovery of alleged false accounting .
56 Populations of red deer and boar are believed to be under greater pressure from hunters due to wartime shortages .
57 Downstream , in light of high product stocks , industry refining margins in the USA and Europe are expected to be lower in the first quarter of 1993 than in the fourth quarter of 1992 .
58 Several copies of the recording have been circulated and transcripts are set to be published next month in a book about the royals called Fall Of The House Of Windsor .
59 SMOKERS and motorists are set to be hit hardest in Norman Lamont 's Tuesday Budget .
60 For realists , nation and state are deemed to be synonymous , and national security is a matter of protecting the state 's core values from the depredations of other states .
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