Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb past] [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The withdrawal of these pioneers from the scene need not have been bad news for the industry ; few American production outfits made the transition to new times and Méliès failed to keep up in France .
2 Without being particularly conscious of where they were going , he and Cora-Beth had ended up in the big barn containing bales of straw for the loose boxes .
3 Everyone crowded in and Maria had to sit up on the ledge of the window to be seen and heard .
4 True , there had been a few unhappy minutes when they 'd been having coffee in Karlovy Vary when she and Ven had reared up at each other .
5 Unemployment peaked at over two per cent in 1967 , then fell off , and Germany continued to absorb up to two million ‘ guest ’ workers from Turkey , Yugoslavia and elsewhere .
6 Adam stared , struggling to get back to his feet ; and confusion seemed to burn up in his face .
7 At the back of the platform was a fence , and although it had apparently been painted white in the early 1900's , in later years the paint had peeled off and bushes had grown up on the cutting side to provide a new backdrop to the isolated platform beside the overgrown railway .
8 Just when she thought they 'd got away from it , change and disruption had caught up with them again .
9 It appears that the Airborne and Commandos got caught up in the shelling and suffered casualties , dead and wounded . ’
10 Thérèse and Léonie stood crushed up against adults they did not know .
11 Great thicknesses of pumice and ash had piled up on the slopes of Vesuvius above Herculaneum , and this loose material very rapidly became saturated by torrential rainstorms which may have been triggered by the eruption cloud itself : the dust particles acting as nuclei on which water vapour could condense to form droplets .
12 They politely said goodbye , and Duncan left to catch up with Myeloski .
13 Carrie hurried through the evening street and Fred struggled to keep up with her .
14 As the day wore on they heard everywhere around them the rill of running water , and grass began to poke up through the snow in clumps .
15 And if , later that day , 20 newsmen and photographers had turned up at our family bonfire party and witnessed my hysterical attempt to restrain my husband from re-lighting that dud super-rocket ( well , I was n't sure his life insurance was paid up ) , speculation as to the real state of our marriage could doubtless have made dramatic headlines .
16 Then one day Mark was lumbering up Parliament Hill , and Babur came running up from behind .
17 By 1985 nearly all the main broking firms and jobbers had linked up with financial institutions , both domestic and foreign .
18 Rosheen and Klift had caught up with them .
19 He said a film of dirt and oil had built up on roads during the long , dry spell .
20 Other people and think-tanks had come up with a similar recipe before and never had much impact .
21 Botham 's recall took many by surprise after age and injuries appeared to catch up with him in the Test series .
22 His new cap and goggles got hung up in the undergrowth ; he pulled , got hung up again , jerked savagely and emerged without them , his long hair falling down tangled and wet to his waist .
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