Example sentences of "and [noun] [coord] [pron] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This could suggest a domestic crisis , for the Chronicle records immediately after that the aetheling , Ealdberht , whom Ine had exiled , went into Surrey and Sussex and it is not inconceivable that Ealdberht was either Ine 's son or the son of his brother , Ingild , who died in 718 , seeking recognition perhaps as Ine 's heir .
2 British Aerospace , the lead British contender , may have the backing of the Department of Trade and Industry but it is almost certain to face fierce opposition from the Ministry of Defence .
3 However , as a result of the accident , he has completely lost the use of his arms and legs and he is now able to communicate with other people only by using his parents to interpret his signs .
4 We have thousands of people in Britain who have lost their jobs and homes and there is n't even a war raging here .
5 ‘ You 've really got him going well The energy is between your leg , seat and rein and he is nicely balanced .
6 EASTER weekend is one of the busiest days of the year in such job-starved places as St Ives , Newquay and Falmouth and it is hardly any quieter in Blackpool , Southport and Morecambe .
7 Problems which may arise in any family are those which may be seen as related to the Oedipal situation — the sexual attachment which arises between parent and child and which is not always worked through adequately .
8 San Antonio is , however , only one site in many to be investigated in detail by archaeologists and geomorphologists and it is too early to extrapolate from there to the Maya lowlands in general .
9 Consequently , not only does the faculty include departments that study Philosophy and History over a wide range of time and place but there is also a notably broad spread of modern European languages and literatures ( English and Scottish , of course ; but also Danish , Dutch , French , Gaelic , German , Italian , Norwegian , Portuguese , Russian , Spanish , Swedish ) as well as the Classics ( Latin , Greek ) .
10 excludes light and insects but which is not airtight .
11 Relearning is a longer , gradual process with ups and downs and it is too easy just to give up .
12 Roman villas have been found in Snodland and Cuxton and it is not unlikely that one existed here at Halling as vestiges of Roman tiles are found in the village , also in the early parts of the church .
13 The party may have put on a collar and tie but it is still the Labour Party , prone to its old reflexes ( as it reminded us yesterday on defence spending ) , prisoner still of its anachronistic structure , its mind set in 100 years of working-class history .
14 There is a considerable number of textbooks which provide a run-through of positivist research findings and theories and it is not the intention to attempt yet another one here .
15 Partly this is the result of increasing size and competition but it is also the result of a financial philosophy which can not countenance waste and so removes cushions .
16 Oxygen has been omitted because nearly all the oxygen in a planet resides in non-volatile oxides and silicates and it is extremely difficult to estimate how much of this oxygen has been liberated into more volatile forms and conversely how much oxygen originally in volatile forms has been lost by combination with various oxides and silicates .
17 The theoretical debate has concentrated on organization and form but it is only more recently that film historians have actually raised the question of audiences .
18 Its marbled , fine-grained beef is of very good quality and taste and it is well worth the rather long wait for maturity in spite of the lack of size .
19 With written representations , the argument is conducted by way of written submission and counter-submission and it is both quicker and cheaper , but not always the most effective method of exposing a fallacious argument or superficial view .
20 A further concept was that of the Ka , which was inherent in gods , kings and men and which is perhaps best translated as meaning the life-force .
21 There are enormous pressures on the time of the Administration and Commons and it is not always possible to give to Bills the leisured consideration desirable for good drafting and effective debate .
22 The successful schemes were unsentimental and transcended the apparent dilemma posed by the design brief which asked for a building which related to preformed and powerful sensibilities and beliefs about life and death and which is also required to be effectively energy conscious .
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