Example sentences of "and [noun] [adv] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Norbert Wu is a marine naturalist , author and photographer currently working out of San Diego .
2 A stance which was appropriate for the Age of Brezhnev and Galtieri now seems out of date and out of touch with the spirit of the times .
3 Under the scheme , specially converted dustcarts collect household rubbish , with paper , plastics and aluminium already separated out by householders in plastic crates provided by the local authority .
4 It was a large room , an Aladdin 's cave to any would-be falconer , filled with expensive-looking equipment : bags and lures hanging from walls , jesses and leashes all laid out in immaculate order .
5 Of these 123 , a full interview was obtained with l04 principal carers at the time of the patient 's referral to the project ( six carers refused to be interviewed , and it was not possible to interview a further nine for reasons such as the carer 's ill health or death or because the patient and carer soon moved out of the area ; for the remaining four some information was obtained by telephone ) .
6 She and Jack now drove out to Chiswick where they played tennis in the afternoons .
7 Sadly , the idea that friendly trade rivalry could entirely replace warfare was not well founded , and wars sometimes broke out between the city states .
8 It seems ironic that where , in the eighteenth century , novelists and architects alike look out of their elegant windows on to the cottages of the poor as pleasing little features in the landscape , the Victorians , for whom the dwellings of the middle class tended increasingly to set the standard , should view the great house itself from that perspective — from the outside , as the focus for a landscape , much as the eighteenth-century painters had done ( Fig. 24 ) .
9 The turning point in our campaign came in 1987 when the Easthall Residents Association ( ERA ) and our allies worked together on two unique initiatives — the Heatfest Housing Project and ‘ Housing makes you Sick ’ — the largest fully independent survey into housing and health ever carried out in Britain .
10 Roughly the same proportion of women and men regularly go out of their homes on a social basis .
11 His father Phillip , of Erndhura , Farnascullogue , Lisnaskea , said he had been told by other students that lifts frequently broke down and students often clambered out of them .
12 Meanwhile our three cutters , Active , Safeguard and Swift also came out of hiding , the roar of their engines sounding a death knell for Eloise as they closed in to arrest the white yacht .
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