Example sentences of "and [noun] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the counsellor will have to work with older people whose lives have already been deeply affected by the problems of ageing , and this will require all the skills and insight of looking into individual feelings and attitudes already outlined in Part 1 .
2 Since Jasper and Bienvida never went to bed until Tina did but fell asleep wherever they happened to be , Jarvis hardly took this protest seriously .
3 The scores from the returns were added together and Chelmsford still remained on top , led by Katie and her colleagues Annie Marie , Kate and Karon .
4 The Brompton Oratory ( the Oratorian church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ) is an architecturally conspicuous bastion of British Catholicism , where the liturgy is conducted with pre-Vatican II elaboration and Latin regularly used in conjunction with a distinguished musical tradition .
5 Many of the other major transitions were not filled in , however , and paleontologists thus concentrated on developments within well defined groups .
6 Translation — with both Sega and Nintendo still locked in combat for the pre-pubescent male dollar , anything that might alienate little boys ( eg girlie games ) is still a definite no-no .
7 The Safety Director 's is a delicate job , requiring diplomacy in dealing with academics and researchers traditionally used to autonomy in their laboratories .
8 Changes in proposed greenbelt boundaries affecting a given area , and occurring at the consultative draft stage of local plans and or pre-map stage and the formal deposit of those plans , and or between the deposit copies and proposals subsequently issued by county and local planning authorities by way of desired changes to deposit copies , militate against , and may totally inhibit in relation to that area , emergence within the meaning of the national doctrine most recently propagated in paragraph er within erm paragraph thirty two of the revised version of P P G number One .
9 The urban guilds and merchants steadily advanced in wealth and power , and began to spawn a top bourgeoisie of financiers and international traders who could help the landowners to invest their surplus capital profitably .
10 Wolframite and scheelite also occur in trace quantities associated with molybdenite mineralisation around a small Caledonian granite near Inverurie in north-east Scotland ( MRP 100 ) .
11 Examination methods and timetables naturally differ from course to course but , in general , candidates are assessed both on written examinations and on course work during the year .
12 But I kept hold of the reins and Prince just stopped in time .
13 Thus in the full range of surnames we find examples of patronymics , metronymics — formations based on a mother 's name and sometimes called matronymics — font names , personal and pet names , and diminutives all called into service .
14 The Music Box system , as it was called , would consist of four central computer terminals , located in different parts of the country , on which would be stored every single and album ever released in Britain .
15 The Mercians may always have been ruled by more than one king , possibly several , before the mid-seventh century , and Bede certainly thought of Penda as king at the time of his attack on the eastern Angles in the late 630s ( HE 111 , 18 ) .
16 The left-sided winger provided the width and penetration normally supplied by Eoin Jess and Scott Booth , but Aberdeen are far from convincing at the moment .
17 Indeed , the Department of Trade and Industry actually agrees with cuts in training imposed by the Department of Employment .
18 The smartest new housing developments in Malaysia , Thailand and Indonesia often come with golf courses attached .
19 Baldwin and Irwin both believed in accommodation and not in confrontation .
20 In the dairy ring an entry of 51 sold to a top of £1,430 , £1,310 and £1,230 all paid to R & E Arthur , Knowehead , Templepatrick .
21 The court declined to adopt what it described as ‘ the geographic fiction ’ that discovery required mere acts of preparation abroad , and found the distinction between parties and non-parties equally lacking in merit as a basis for decision .
22 And why had she and Dionne never fallen In Love ?
23 All gold and silver rather turn to dirt !
24 The metric in this region may be taken to be of the form ( 6.20 ) , but with the metric functions U , V , W and M all depending on u only .
25 Quality is also expected to improve with increased consistency and uniformity accurately controlled by computer .
26 Patterns and sequences also arise with pegs and a peg-board .
27 This then was the situation when Bruce Mackenzie , after much prompting from Jim and Jean finally proposed to Tina .
28 But more characteristically the response has been a massive importation into academic English studies of theories and methods otherwise associated with structuralism , linguistics , semiotics , sociology , marxism , and post structuralism .
29 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
30 The DIY business has been fiercely competitive with Do-It-All , B&Q and Texas all battling for supremacy through price cuts and heavy advertising .
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