Example sentences of "and [noun] [noun] that [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The two companies have announced a side deal to Novell 's pending acquisition of Unix System Labs , that will see Novell and AT&T co-developing and co-marketing products that link their core businesses : computer networks and business phones ( UX No 418 ) .
2 Statistics already show that black women , less susceptible to the street violence and drug problems that undermine their brothers , are now more likely than black men to matriculate and graduate from university .
3 But it is the immaculate artistry of Michael Crawford and Frances Cuka that makes us care .
4 Dense , acrid smoke swirled unseen in the night wind , a choking mixture of burning chemical and insulation material that forced them to re-don their respirators .
5 Maud talked with a mixture of pedantry and horse sense that impressed him as singular and forcible .
6 Lastly she went to hang her towel and arrange her toiletries in the bathroom , only to find several thick towels of varying sizes already hanging there for her use , and an array of soaps , lotions and hygiene products that made her own cheaply bought things seem scarcely worthy of being unpacked .
7 These provide firms with product and service differentiation that allow them to compete on other bases than merely those of costs and prices .
8 As Britain 's number-one manufacturer of heavy contract fibre-bonded carpets and carpet tiles we have a continual research and development programme that ensures we stay in tune with the latest production methods , design trends and quality control .
9 If it 's hard to find time to think , take yourself off for a solo stroll or encourage a loved one to discuss and debate issues that affect you both .
10 We Americans are proud of our history and culture and would like you to learn more about it in the museums , theatres , galleries and concert halls that span our country .
11 Equally unsurprising , NT 's advantage rests primarily , the study says , ‘ in the strength of the marketing and sales programmes that support it .
12 We are constantly seeing TV programmes and newspaper/magazine articles that tell us how bad some things are for us .
13 Nintendo Co does plan to use satellites for delivery of computer games : the company says it plans to broadcast a game via satellite in Japan , and owners of its game computers that buy a decoder and adaptor — for about $85 — will be able to pick the thing up ; Nintendo also plans a national competition for high scorers in satellite games ; meantime Nintendo of America is poised for its largest launch of a video game ever this week in a bid to best Sega Enterprises Ltd — it plans to spend up to $15m in a month-long promotion of Star Fox , a science fiction action game inspired by Star Trek and Star Wars that uses its new Super FX technology , which includes a RISC embedded in the $60 games cartridge ; it claims to have 1m advance orders for it .
14 You then need to devise a filing and retrieval system that allows you to find the notes on a given topic when .
15 ‘ It 's all that free milk and orange juice that does it .
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