Example sentences of "and [noun] [noun] be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Curiously his present preoccupation with spire , tower and west front is exactly the same ( though in reverse order ) as the preoccupation of his predecessor a century ago under Gilbert Scott .
2 I mean we may not like heavy lorries thundering along , whereas we do like ambulances , and computer use is precisely the same .
3 Well over half of profit still came from overseas , and marine paint and powder coatings were narrowly the largest contributors .
4 Well over half of profit still came from overseas , and marine paint and powder coatings were narrowly the largest contributors .
5 Considerable discussion had gone into the Socialist League programme and the debates on Labour Party policy promoted by it at the Hastings and Southport Conferences were undoubtedly the best on domestic policy during the decade .
6 The record in and headphone sockets are both stereo mini jacks , but the line out and instrument input are both the full size mono equivalent .
7 Matilda and Miss Honey were now the only two left in the class-room .
8 Since it is the public who report crime , and the police who decide whether to record such reports officially , crime rates and crime trends are also the products of the ‘ reactors to ’ rather than the ‘ doers of ’ crime .
9 Coopers and Lybrand Deloitte is probably the worst of a lot of very bad forecasters .
10 It is worth remembering that in conditions of mist or moonlight , the whole south-polar region appears blank , and Beta Hydri is often the only star fairly close to the pole to remain visible with the naked eye .
11 It is the Armenians who live in what is left of the Armenian Republic — in the Soviet Republic of the same name — who perhaps have the only fragile opportunity of one day restoring their nation ; just as the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are now the only Palestinians to be able to fight with any effect for their statehood .
12 LENNOX LEWIS and Frank Maloney are apparently the last two people this side of Jupiter to realise that when it comes to world heavyweight boxing titles , possession is 10 tenths of the law .
13 We enjoy good industrial relations and our tonnage and cargo dues are probably the lowest in the country .
14 This type of discourse — free indirect speech or free indirect style — is peculiar to the novel ; it makes its appearance in the late eighteenth century and Jane Austen was probably the first novelist to realise its full potential .
15 The transport animal in the middle Ob and Yenisei regions was originally the dog , but its use to pull sledges was on a primitive level , and only the Khantys and Mansis sometimes harnessed dogs in teams .
16 John Lennon , David Bowie , Eric Clapton , Jeff Beck , pete Townshend and Bryan Ferry are just the tip of the iceberg .
17 There are a number of such challenges , but the interesting and I think significant one comes from a group of Palaeontologists , of whom Stephen Gould , now of Eldridge , erm and Stephen Stanley are probably the best know .
18 At the mini-roundabout turn right into Old Road and Finch Close is then the fifth turning on the right hand side .
19 Equipment and supervisory staff were expensive , he said , and leisure facilities were often the fist victims of cost-saving cutbacks .
20 It is essential that before you attempt to duck gybe you can carve gybe well , as the feet and body positions are exactly the same .
21 BROTHERS Steven and Matthew Rivers were almost the same ages as Princes William and Harry when their small world fell apart .
22 Pregnant dolphins and mother/calf pairs are understandably the most severely affected by this ordeal .
23 Cottage , cream and curd cheeses are probably the best known of the fresh cheeses of Britain .
24 The sensory world is a very different world without audition , and sign language is possibly the only way of fully expressing the meaning that this world has , for it is a gestural — visual — spatial language .
25 Four successive championship and Wembley doubles are just the highlights of a fabulous four-year reign at Central Park .
26 Changi airport is repeatedly rated as the world 's best , and Singapore Airlines is often the business traveller 's first choice .
27 In this situation , bearing in mind that the very prevalent hydroxyl and hydronium ions are probably the dominant cause in the hazard risk at 50Hz or 60Hz , it can be presumed that a hazard free situation prevails at 100Hz or 120Hz .
28 Ergo , developing ideas about measures of performance , feedback and control mechanisms is arguably the most important and potentially productive part of the exercise .
29 Churchyard and wayside crosses are often the result of a similar process .
30 The categories of speech and thought presentation are perhaps the most significant contributions made by stylistics to the understanding of narrative fiction , adding depth to the analysis of narrative point of view , and enabling precise analysis of the very subtle movements between commentary and focalisation in the narrative voice .
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