Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After a long time , the music started to play again and Cousin Jane and Mike walked back down the aisle and out of the church and everyone followed them into the sunny afternoon .
2 ‘ He came round the desks and I kicked him in the back of his legs to get him to the floor and I used my shirt to put out the flames and Hazel gave him first aid . ’
3 In the next lesson , I asked him to share his six ways with 1 in front , and I wrote them on the blackboard .
4 Jamila asked me to touch her and I rubbed her between the legs with Vaseline according to her instructions , like ‘ Harder ’ and ‘ More effort , please ’ and ‘ Yes , but you 're making love not cleaning your teeth . ’
5 The bucket had a rope attached to its handle and I skimmed it over the stern to haul up a gallon or so of sea-water which I slammed down in front of Rickie .
6 And of course we 've always had closed circuit television at the underground car park in Gloucester Green , and I had it from the words of another Conservative Councillor , Councillor Ann Spokes , that she always uses Gloucester Green car park because it is so safe and so secure .
7 Malleson carried my things down to the other block under his greatcoat and I followed him down the path about twenty yards behind .
8 had to have one for a short while , she was quite young and I , we 'd only just moved here and I took her to the vet the used to be in Sandhurst , they said it was a bee sting , they put purple stuff on it
9 It was entirely our responsibility and that evening to well past midnight Leon and I took her through the changes until she was satisfied that she knew the policy thoroughly .
10 And as part of the deal , I had some petty cash with which to buy them all sandwiches and coffee so they could get changed or dressed while they ate and I took them to the next job if they had one , or wherever they wanted to go .
11 Melinda pleaded a headache and went inside , and I took them across the road to the soft drinks stall to hear the report of the uncle , and then get rid of them .
12 I got him into the factory and from there we got the ambulance and … and I took him to the Royal Victoria Infirmary . ’
13 P. E. A man dropped dead in front of me on the street and I took him to the mortuary and I got into trouble over it because I did n't search the body properly .
14 This was going on for a couple of days , so I was getting worried and I took him to the prison doctor and he says , ‘ It might be with you breastfeeding , try him on the bottle . ’
15 And I took it to the people up on Royal Parade , who are constantly having burglaries , no , that 's that 's true , they have had several quite chunky burglaries
16 The weather was damp and chilly but the sleeping bag felt mighty good and I made it through the first night , sleeping like a log .
17 ‘ She treated me like a workman and I treated her as the owner . ’
18 I had a flat tape recorder with a directional mic and I stuck it on the table and above me was a speaker through which all this muzak was coming out .
19 I was out at a friend 's house , we were opening a bottle of beer , the top had jammed , and I stuck it in the heel of the door to get the top off , and it exploded , I suppose it was too shaken up with everyone handling it .
20 So I took the envelope off those tickets and I tore that up and wrote down and I stuck it in the water heater that the sitting room fire may be on , please check .
21 Alice wrote it down and I stuck it behind the clock . ’
22 My sister had a baby about three months ago , and I met it for the first time when I went home . ’
23 MY HUSBAND bought me a watch as a birthday present , but it kept losing time and I returned it after the holidays .
24 However , we had in the aircraft a rather antiquated device ( certainly World War I ) of a message bag with a coloured streamer and I put a message in the bag and I dropped it near the control tower .
25 Come and clean my windows and I owed him from the last time .
26 I said that he could try to put the cube together and I left him with the pieces while I went to fetch some paper .
27 And I left it on the side instead of leaving it in the grill .
28 It required absolutely no breaking in and I wore it for the first time on a nine hour Scottish hill day during the May heatwave in complete comfort .
29 I remember one dress , it was brocade , and I wore it to the opening of the opera .
30 I recalled how sane and healthy they were , and I contrasted them with the fiends with whom I had to deal in 1816 !
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