Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In visor and sunshades I swatted antipodean flies , my cheeks padded with sponges and my eyes squinting through blue contact lenses , and the whole world thought it was a backdrop .
2 A complete list of Page 's collection of pictures was printed in London and its Environs Described in 1761 ( vol. i , pp. 315–22 ) by Robert Dodsley [ q.v . ] .
3 The Compact of Free Association and its Articles relating to nuclear activities have been submitted to successive referenda in Palau in accordance with the Constitution , and the required ¾ majority approval has not been achieved .
4 First , whether the UK parent and its subsidiaries qualify as small companies in their own right under ss 246 and 247 , CA 1985 .
5 While Mexico 's political weakness was excused and its economy helped out by the US , Brazil 's relationship with Washington steadily deteriorated and its policies came under American attack .
6 The FMLN would be legalized as a political party and its members reincorporated with broad guarantees into " civilian , political and institutional " life .
7 Its fields are fertile , its vineyards productive and its forests teem with wild life .
8 He had them set up his bier at the end of the hall , draped in black velvet , and its handles tasselled in black and gold .
9 The UK remains exceptionally centralized in its fiscal affairs , with the Treasury and its ministers opposed to all changes which would release its grip ( Heald , 1983 , p. 203 ) .
10 This was the birthplace of the Renaissance and its streets revel in artistic beauty .
11 Its definitions of femininity as at the same time an artefact and an essence are blatantly incompatible , and its attempts to account for all aspects of subjectivity in terms of fixed gender categories , inadequate .
12 This states that the total entropy of a system and its surroundings increases during all spontaneous processes .
13 The United States and its allies agreed on several measures including the possible use of US air power to protect UN forces in Muslim ‘ safe areas ’ in Bosnia and to ensure that arms do not reach Bosnian Serbs from Serbia .
14 While it did establish an institutional structure , its meetings were sporadic and its commitments overlapped -with those of NATO , the Council of Europe and OEEC .
15 Paradoxically , it dates from the very period in which Tristan was conceived ; in fact the Tristan drama itself was planned and its words written under Schopenhauerian influence — but influence of an ethical , rather than an aesthetic , kind .
16 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
17 Then her eyes flew open as she felt her sodden shoes being pulled off and her feet engulfed in large , warm hands .
18 Her thoughts were muddled still , and her feelings scattered in small exclusive groups like members of a difficult meeting yet to be called to order .
19 She had been fastening the buttons at the shoulder of Thomas 's elephant-patterned pyjamas , but all sense of co-ordination suddenly seemed to vanish and her fingers fumbled in vain .
20 In fact : a full-length cinema-scope colour spread of BB on her stomach at the water 's edge displaying a bottom ‘ as bare as a censor 's eyeball ’ said Time ; BB rescued from the sea in a clinging wet dress ; her wedding night concealed behind some strategically tossed bed linen ; and her breasts showing in faint outline through the sheet she is holding up for modesty 's sake ( they were never seen unveiled ) .
21 But they are not random errors : they grow out of her particular approach to spelling , and suggest that she may have trouble in the future because of a weak visual memory and her attempts to compensate for this are reckless and haphazard .
22 The couple have remained close friends ever since he taught Diana and her sons to ride in 1980 while he was stationed at Combermere Barracks in Windsor .
23 When the war broke out the queen , who was Charles 's sister , was treated with some suspicion : her lands were seized and her servants sent to various religious houses throughout the country .
24 Stray winds brought changes of temperature and smell and her ears popped with shifting pressures .
25 But being a woman , she had to juggle her home life and her police work with expert precision .
26 Subsequent investigations showed this to be a transient deficiency attributed to gold and her immunoglobulins returned to normal ( IgG 10.6 g/l ) with no further treatment .
27 ALISON Hargreaves and her children put in some low-altitude training in Scotland yesterday as they prepared for the high life of the Himalayas .
28 Something unpleasant had happened to her face ; it was swollen and a greyish-blue colour , and her eyes protruded under strained shiny eyelids .
29 She loved him so much that it was painful to just stand there watching him , and her eyes filled with easy tears .
30 Then the penny dropped , and her eyes widened in horrified shock .
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