Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I always wanted to be an actor since I was about five and my parents would take me to the cinema and theatre .
2 And my brothers used to ride it , so I used to ride it and I rode it for miles !
3 Again , the workers in an industry might claim a wage increase of ‘ X and their employers might resist it and offer ‘ Y ; but the interests of another part of the economy might be affected in such a way by either proposal that neither is acceptable .
4 But other ‘ universal things ’ , such as shape and extension , do have causes , and their definitions must express them .
5 Most of the children coming into care under section 2 of the Child Care Act do so at the request of their parents , and their parents can take them home whenever they wish .
6 But the sign on the wall still said King Street , and Jacob presumed that as yet only members of the IRA and their supporters would call it by its new name .
7 On the one hand , if they go along unquestioningly they may lose their autonomy , and their subordinates will see them as not having significant influence with corporate .
8 If Mr Hussein had the wit to get out of Kuwait before the Americans and their allies can push him out , the war would have lost its overriding purpose — and the coalition might at last have lost its cohesiveness .
9 Make the right choice for your garden with our top fruit guide , plus a section on rootstocks — what they are , and which ones will suit you best .
10 All that is required is that she should climb better , harder , in more desperate circumstances than every man on the planet and we men will accept her as an equal .
11 He argues that it is common for a depressed person to grossly exaggerate the negative implications of events ( sometimes called ‘ catastrophising ’ ) : ‘ I did n't get that job I 'm not bright enough — I 'll be unemployed or in low-level jobs for ever — I 'll be bored and boring-my friends will abandon me — my husband wo n't love me any more . ’
12 He and his friends would have me scoffed and hounded out of the county rather than see my house completed .
13 He and his friends would take us , they said , safely to the edge of the airport and from there point us in the right direction .
14 I could eat alone or the young son and his friends could join me , but I could not eat in the Sheikh 's great majlis with the other men of the household .
15 Or maybe Norris and his pals would distract her from this crazed idea of getting air-locked drunk by suggesting a friendly game of cards .
16 He was the smallest boy in the class and he prayed every night that God and His Angels would help him to grow .
17 — the way in which he and his colleagues can assist us on an individual basis .
18 ‘ Luib is pulling his men out in feigned flight ; when the foe attacks us he and his men will take them in the rear . ’
19 In the year 2040 our children and our descendants might think it was an ‘ extreme case ’ not to have begun to take action to reduce nitrate pollution half a century earlier .
20 ‘ If it was big enough , attractive enough and our viewers would like it , ’ he added .
21 They will then send out statements in their own name and your customers will pay them instead of you .
22 It 's late , and your doctors would want you to get your rest . ’
23 It is n't easy to talk naturally to a piece of machinery and your performers may find it easier to talk to you rather than directly to the camera .
24 But run too far in unsuitable shoes , whether the cheapest or most expensive on the market , and your feet will tell you .
25 Unless you are a member of a joint research team , the results will represent entirely your own work and your examiners will judge it accordingly .
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