Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [not/n't] [adv] [been] " in BNC.

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1 Come back dinner time and they were saying well no you see you ca n't just a borrow a car to go to dinner in , yeah that 'll be alright man and I had n't even been in it since Roy bought it back !
2 ‘ I owe a large bill for leather , ’ Hari said , ‘ and I have n't yet been paid by the theatre folk . ’
3 In fact , you were the first woman I 'd made love to in quite a long time , and I have n't even been interested in anyone since you were offered this job here and accepted it .
4 And I have n't even been able to help you regain your notes . ’
5 The the first question is this is this thing about nerves is n't it because that 's the first feeling you have when you got up get up here is and as said I 'm dry already and I have n't even been up there and done it yet the voice is dry and you know then you feel a bit shaky and all that sort of thing and why do we why do we feel nervous ?
6 In this chapter I shall set out all those questions which are most frequently asked by prospective patients , and which have not already been covered in Chapter 1 ; and in Chapter 3 , by giving details of the progress of one particular case , I shall endeavour to provide some idea of what to expect during a typical regression therapy session .
7 ( 1 ) For the purpose of bringing to a conclusion any proceedings which are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order and which have not previously been brought to a conclusion , the Chairman or Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions ( but no others ) —
8 I hope that in the short term more attention will be paid to the availability of the independent arbitration scheme , which was set up in 1985 and which has not often been used , primarily because so few people are aware that it provides a means of getting an independent investigation of alleged grievances against British Rail and of obtaining redress and compensation where they are due .
9 ‘ You 've practically exiled yourself from your family and your home and your friends , you think you 've failed your finals but you say you 've no intention of sitting your re-sits even if you have ; you 've no money and you have n't even been looking for a job ; you 're getting done for shop-lifting and you 're acting like such a fucking dick-head you seem determined to get shot of the last few pals you do have left … and all you can do is make smart-ass remarks . ’
10 PENALTY : If an amount is shown in respect of a penalty or penalties being recovered under the bill and you have not previously been informed of the ground on which it has or they have been imposed , further particulars will be found in the information accompanying the bill .
11 Approximately one year after their initial interview , a further interview was sought with the principal carers whose relative was still alive ( though we did interview a sample of those whose relative had died ) and who had not already been living in an institution at the time of the first carer interview .
12 We have played four First Division sides this season and we have not yet been beaten .
13 She now had three of that lady 's outfits in the wardrobe and there had not yet been an occasion on which she could wear one of them : the last one had been a winter coat sporting a large fur collar , and the previous one , as Miss Belle called it , an afternoon tea gown .
14 on the so called secret road , where , where 's the so called secret road go , it 's been in the Evening Star we have asked the , the Borough Council list and the Borough er the Council has asked erm for information of this road and they have n't even been replied to .
15 An experienced Substitute Prosecutor who would stand by him if things got tricky … and he had n't always been lucky .
16 ‘ But with injuries that have cut the heart from the side , Souness has had to buy — and he 's not always been successful .
17 Your worships , Mr works for Wallbank aerials in Worley and he works for them as an engineer his vehicle was erm something that he did use for work , but unfortunately as a result of the accident his has been written off and he has n't yet been able to er , replace it and so he 's having to be erm er , chauffeured by the company to do his er his work .
18 His vehicle was erm something that he did use for work but unfortunately as a result of the accident his has been written off and he has n't yet been able to er replace it and so he 's having to be erm er chauffeured by the company to do his er his work .
19 And now he 's made Big Ben and he has n't even been to London to see it .
20 They did n't want to be press barons , says Miles , they wanted a community paper , and it had n't even been easy to find an editor amongst the founding group , preoccupied as they were with art galleries and bookshops , theatre companies and poetry , and preoccupied also with that sense of freedom , and the breaking down of national barriers which had accompanied the explosion of travel in the 1960s .
21 The reaction is a testimony to the female solidarity that the film celebrates and it has n't just been a regional popularity .
22 But the fact of the matter is , he wrote , that none of it is right , or rather , that what has so far been accomplished is wrong and what has not yet been accomplished is only right because it has not yet had the chance to be proved wrong .
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