Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was late in the day and nothing had led up to it .
2 So I was close by and so they sent me in so the way I , I got dressed up in the minister 's cassock , and I got in revised the books of Genesis , like through and I get genned up to be a minister and I took in a bible and er well anyway I killed five men and they got out alive .
3 He 'd been there first , waiting , and I 'd walked up to the carefully prominent bait and presented him with a perfect target , a broad back in a scarlet sweater , an absolute cinch .
4 Yes , Sally says we 'll do it , we 'll change it in the car alright , just as I was saying we had erm , we had roast dinner , Charlotte do n't aggravate him , we had roast lamb , erm and I 'd washed up by two o'clock
5 But er I did two or three hundred , four hundred , five hundred a day and I got fed up on it and I said to the gaffers one day , if you do n't change me from this job I 'm leaving , so they says oh we do n't want you to do that , best filer we 've had .
6 Gradually , from the toe , that was July , and I got paralysed up to my hips and er I had no relations or anybody there , but Toc H were very good .
7 It was absolutely great and confirmed to everybody in the band that what I was doing was viable , and I got picked up by an agent right away — the same night , in fact . ’
8 No , hold on , and I 've turned up with the wrong one .
9 ‘ I 've lived here all my life , Mr Wycliffe , and I 've grown up with such tales ; nobody takes them seriously . ’
10 Since then I 've been thinking it over and I 've come up with an idea .
11 I mean the other morning I looked down and somebody had thrown up in the street
12 So you 're quite happy with that , one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred , five hundred , six hundred oh I can do this standing on my head , right and you s you stop concentrating so much , and you 've gone up to , so that should be a seven hundred
13 And then this , this time I say well I 'm going to take away some money and I took away a negative amount and you 've finished up with more .
14 By 1966 , the Church was better able to take advantage of the new interest in its separatist stance because it now had a core of Ulstermen who had been converted under Ian Paisley s preaching and who had grown up with his politicized evangelicalism .
15 My thanks also are due to Miss Mary Burkett and her staff at Abbot Hall , from whom I have had help and co-operation since the start of the survey in 1975 ; to Mr B. C. Jones and Miss S. J. MacPherson , County Archivists , of the County Records Office , who have given generous help and advice ; ; to Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby , whose book first aroused my interest in the stocking trade ; to my fellow members of the Lancashire and Lakes Guild of Spinners , Weavers and Dyers for encouragement and support ; to my granddaughter , Anne Allen , who took the photographs , ( except where otherwise stated ) ; to my daughter , Jan Hare , who typed the manuscript ; to my friends , Penelope Porter , Kathryn Allen and Mary Sutherland , who gave technical advice , reviewed text and read proofs ; Elizabeth Edwards and Kathleen Drummond for advice and information , and above all my thanks to the many kind people who live where there are galleries , and who have put up with my enquiries with such patience and kindness .
16 At the end of a few minutes , he had agreed to get Landau , and she had come up with the names of banks and accounts for both Foster and Landau , and the place where he could lay hands on Pete Foster .
17 Sister and her nurse had calmed her down a little and found out that the child 's father had deserted them , and she had taken up with another man .
18 She was glad she had the stone , when he came into the byre ; she was waiting for him as he had asked her to , she had made her way across the orchard in the fresh blue morning and let herself in through the wooden door by lifting it off its hinges , since the bolt had rusted fast long ago , and she had looked up at the full moon of the sky in the chimney hole at the centre of the round shelter 's roof , and with her stone which was sharp as a shearing knife with a bright , honed blade the marks of the whetstone were still visible in pale striations like scouring tracks — she scraped her name into one of the stones on the interior , as many others had done before her , in tall shapely capitals , the only letters she knew .
19 When he had finished packing , he had tapped on her door , and she had looked up from her books , grateful for the interruption .
20 And she 's come up with you know , Haweswell she likes best , she was most impressed with .
21 There was a horse running round and we got held up with traffic .
22 The route we had taken through the cordillera from Cajamarca had brought us virtually into the outskirts of Tmjillo and we had put up at a hotel in the centre of the city , all three of us more or less out on our feet .
23 ‘ We were born here and we 've grown up with that .
24 You know , we 've worked hard on trying to get it in everywhere , into peoples ' notices and we 've linked up with Art Week quite well , as well .
25 In addition to the note I gave you about the AO Development course , we 've been discussing the range of courses available , and we 've come up with the following ‘ wants list ’ .
26 In the claim we are showing quite clearly , and we have won up to the present stage — six years to show that women 's work in the RVH is equal to men 's work .
27 ‘ We have applied for charitable status and we have come up with a slogan , Only Together We Can Win . ’
28 Of course the initial treatment was five years ago , and they 've grown up since then .
29 And they 've gone up from outside have n't they ?
30 And they 've caught up from being one of the most illiterate countries in Europe to on the edge of the leading group .
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