Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] you [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm first of all if I may just er point out that the example I put with my paper that I have submitted today , and I thank you for the er indulgence in allowing me to produce it so late , was simply that there was one particular appeal of decision where an inspector remarked particularly on the lack of a local or a development plan policy relating to generally relating to the countryside .
2 I 'm not offended , and I thank you for the jade .
3 And I told you about the garden going down to the river , did n't I ? ’
4 I shall tell you , instead , of the time Gerda and I saw you on the stage in Vienna . ’
5 and I interrupted you about the casual ward , so you did n't really finish that ?
6 So that 's se and I want you at the other end .
7 I will give back give back the books that have been signed and I want you in the the section of I just want to point out one or two things before we go on to the next .
8 Just tell them about this product , what it can do , and I assure you of the results .
9 ‘ You run and stumble and I bear you to the ground . ’
10 And I loved you from the moment I walked into the factory , even if you did have a false impression of me .
11 You are Henry Farr the Wimbledon poisoner and I arrest you in the name of — Hang on , hang on .
12 And I owe you for the taxi . ’
13 " It seems you returned here sometime around eleven or so … and someone let you into the house . "
14 It 's just that , nowadays in life , you make a mistake and someone bangs you on the head for it .
15 They found you in the snow and they carried you to the nearest shelter .
16 They wheel you over and they put you in the bath and they start stripping off your bandages which is absolute agony .
17 And they supported you in the same way ? ’ she asked gently .
18 Suppose you 're an expert document examiner outside the service and they call you for the defence .
19 And he got you into the coach by putting his toe in your backside , and he was only stopped from horsewhipping you by Mama 's gentle persuasion .
20 all last week , comes the fucking nice weather and he puts you in the loft .
21 I found the way here when I was a boy , and it spoils you for the human world .
22 Once again , having selected the fax as the print device , you ‘ print ’ to it and it asks you for the address details .
23 good descriptive booklet and it tells you on the back , in actual fact I 've got some handouts here which you can pick up when we 've finished the talk , okay ?
24 So it , it , it 's a , it goes much beyond merely a kind of er , cliche , of saying , all people can be sometimes good or people can be sometimes bad , and it tells you about the specific way in which this th this comes about .
25 Of course , America has always been highly influential , but when one thinks of the Rolling Stones and Beatles erm and what have you in the sixties and seventies , and how much it has influenced Continental light music , not light music but popular culture , it is incredible .
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