Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [adv] [verb] what " in BNC.

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1 I 've found that my perception of acting and movie-making has changed drastically since I hung up my addiction , and I 've finally realized what damage I was doing to my career .
2 And I 've always heard what Jesus goes on to say in the context of that understanding of the text .
3 There are , of course , differences and I 've often wondered what is the most significant difference .
4 And when the er and I 've now got what ?
5 I was in a discourse , a medical discourse , and I had n't understood what a discourse was before .
6 Something got lost and I du n no what ?
7 The evening ended with a Pirate Play and I went home thinking what a wonderful concert , as it probably was for an elementary school having no spare cash .
8 Hunter and I came ashore to see what was happening , and found the stockade .
9 I can hear a woman calling ‘ Benjy , Benjy ’ and I turn round to see what 's up .
10 Otherwise I would have been sent back to my country and I do not know what would have happened to us . ’
11 ‘ On the point of breaking I think , and I do not know what to do .
12 And I do n't care what people say about the age difference .
13 ‘ Deep down inside her is a very decent , caring , sweet person and I do n't care what anyone says , I 'll believe that until the day I die , ’ said Bill , 56 .
14 ‘ We passed by some mash and pie shops today , and I do n't know WHAT THE F— THAT IS , and I do n't care what it is either .
15 I 've told Dizzy that I want the whole works , and I do n't care what it costs him . ’
16 And I do n't care what they think . "
17 Ricci , that 's bleeding horses — I 've never even seen a horse , dear , except with a policeman underneath or on My Friend Flicka , and I do n't care WHAT they wear at the wretched Olympics . ’
18 And I do n't care what she says about the wonderful home-style kosher cooking .
19 And I do n't care what you think of it . ’
20 I said well frankly Cheryl with her record I 'm not in I said she takes off when she pleases , she comes down when she wants something I said she doing me some good at christmas I said I do I quite understand that I said I do understand and I 'm I 've nothing nothing to do with me that 's entirely up to you and she said and you would n't tell me what to do you wo n't change our minds , I said no I 'm not trying to change your minds but you asked me what I would do I said and I think there and now she 's She said and I do n't care what you done , I 'll do I 'll do , I said she 's got hundreds of where they smash the windows and break into so regularly .
21 I 'll tell you what 's a good film , and I do n't care what anyone says , but I really love Robin Hood , Prince of Thieves .
22 And I do n't see what harm there is in buying a place for my daughter .
23 If anything should happen to us personally , and I do n't see what can happen , you are , in your spare time , so to speak , accustomed to commanding a battle fleet .
24 They say that hunting 's for er er human pleasure , er , I mean personally I 've only been to one hunt , and I do n't see what all the the , the , the , the trouble 's about because the huntsman is only a spectator , it 's the hounds that are hunting the fox and it is to keep the foxes down .
25 And I do n't see what that has to do with the problem in hand . ’
26 White told Gilbey : ‘ You are taking advantage and I do n't like what you are doing .
27 I fish most weekends and I do n't mind what I catch , I 'll fish for anything , so this fish was a real bonus .
28 Charles , her husband , jokes all the time about what I 'm wearing , insists that I join them for formal dinners late at night , and then teases me throughout them because I 've never eaten squid before , and I do n't know what haggis is made of .
29 But ever since the good men started to go down and get married and have families and I do n't know what … well , I do n't know what .
30 This owner called Judge , he got hold of me , promised me a motor car , a fur coat and I do n't know what .
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