Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Rennie Hamilton came from behind the counter of the village store and picked her way across a floor that was crowded with display stands and boxes , craning to catch a glimpse of the Rover and its occupants as it sped on past the hotel and towards the lake .
2 It is difficult to ignore this combined perspective on Anglo-Saxon society in the early eighth century and its implication that it had entered ‘ a highly unstable phase ’ .
3 She 'd loved the stones it smoothed , and its wildness when it flung itself over the promenade wall , scattering gravel and driftwood .
4 The ‘ sunbeams ’ endless struggle to create life is the futility of the title and its helplessness when it comes to protecting that life .
5 In all plantation systems the question of labour is of vital interest to those who run the estates and the research is especially concerned with how the attitudes , beliefs and values held by planters lay behind the relationship between management and its work-force as it developed over time .
6 Business no longer understands the examination system and its grades and it bemoans the continually changing scene ; GCE adding CSE , becoming GCSE adding key stage 4 , etc .
7 For a second she could almost feel the warm slump of the hare 's body , and its weight when it swung from her hand , heavy and loose , as she carried it home by the ears .
8 A Monopolies and Mergers Commission inquiry into credit cards recommended the abolition of the ‘ no discrimination ’ clause in agreements between banks and their retailers when it reported in the summer .
9 As a reader , it becomes easier to empathise with the androids and their fear than it does with Mildred and her friends in ‘ Fahrenheit 451 ’ who have become passionless .
10 You could feel the dismay amongst the Leeds players and their fans as it thundered past John Lukic and into the back of the net , leaving them searching for three goals to progress in the competition .
11 And his kiss when it came had a new depth and intensity born of the freedom they had both found during the past moments .
12 There is a curious contradiction here between Shedlock 's remark that the manuscript seems to have been copied up as Purcell completed the various numbers and his observation that it contains the extra music written for Act 1 in the 1693 revival — ; or , to be more precise , labelled ‘ new ’ where it appears in the 1693 word-book .
13 ‘ I read the letters between him and his brother and it became clear he could n't even buy petrol on the New Jersey turnpike without writing to the petrol company about being over-charged .
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