Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] [noun] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 tug arrived , and the poor wreck had been towed away , still under water , but surfacing from time to time as though she had still not quite admitted defeat .
2 Gooch was 57 , Stewart 38 , and the new-ball attack had been weathered with comparative ease .
3 During the entire movement , none of the aircraft were damaged and the only incident recorded was of one Spitfire performing a forced landing in a farmer 's field while en route to Prestwick .
4 Huge cresset torches were placed high on the walls , the tables had been covered with white linen and the only plate used was of the best thick silver .
5 The shop had recently been taken over and the existing stock had been brought in by the previous owner .
6 In total , 30 cm of ileum , 60 cm of jejunum , and the complete colon had been resected and an ileosigmoidostomy was performed .
7 He and the two women had been thrown out .
8 Jack was in his studio , and the two women had been in the drawing room watching a video-recording of Alison 's play about the ballet school .
9 The woods were extensive and the two men had been walking about the property for over an hour .
10 Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara said that Gbagbo and the other leaders had been " caught red-handed during the destruction " , although there were no witnesses to support this claim .
11 In the past , Joanne and the other teachers had been able to measure how well they were doing by ‘ ticking off ’ sections of the syllabus as they completed them .
12 He was bewitched , she could see that ; changed into something else , as Fand and the other Women had been — something that had nothing to do with his real self .
13 At the time of the coalition negotiations in September 1988 , mutual distrust between Gudmundsson and the left-wing parties had been widely quoted as one of the main reasons for his party refusing to join the government .
14 The verbatim reproduction in print of the political speech was an expensive exercise which was not usually rewarded with increased sales and so , by the 1900s , the political leader and the political speech had been replaced with shortened accounts and by a flood of ‘ news ’ stories .
15 Indeed , they boasted proudly that retail electricity prices had risen more slowly than the retail price index in general : although their own tariffs had risen faster , average consumption had gone up and the extra kWh had been sold at the lower incremental charges of two-part or block tariffs , thus bringing the average domestic price in their first ten years down by a fifth in real terms .
16 A package of laws redefining local government structure , responsibilities and powers and the electoral system had been rushed through the National Assembly in recent weeks .
17 As Coleman had feared , while the DEA and the Swiss police had been watching and collecting evidence , KGB-trained agents of the Mogamarat , commanded by al-Kassar 's brother-in-law , General Ali Dubah , had been watching them .
18 For the sake of privacy he had been carried , not to his own ward in the hospital , but to the tiger house next door where Hari and the Prime Minister had been incarcerated .
19 Because Jesus had died and risen again from death , the link between child-bearing and the future hope had been severed .
20 It was now three in the afternoon , and the offensive odour had been plaguing the neighbours since 10.30 in the morning .
21 Two hundred thousand roubles in the hold-all and out into the street and into the car where the engine ticked snugly and into the traffic … and the stupid bitch had been on the pedestrian crossing , and her bags filled both hands , and she had frozen , not stepped back , and the car had hit her , swerved , crashed .
22 It was a red Transit , one of the new designs which look like they 've been punched in the nose , but there were no markings on it and the rear windows had been painted out .
23 He did n't say the vessel was jinxed , but after the sail plan and the interior layout had been redesigned and the ship completed for her new role in Antarctic waters , the B. J. Norsk Forsking , a drilling outfit operating in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea , struck a bad patch following a fall in the price of oil and abandoned the Southern Ocean project .
24 Diplomatic relations between South Korea and the Soviet Union had been established in September 1990 , thereby bringing to an end a period of hostility dating from the Korean war .
25 Other loans to Algeria from the IMF , the World Bank and the European Communities had been delayed pending the signing of this agreement .
26 Coopers ' letter adds : ‘ We confirm that , if FRS 3 had been in effect at the date of signing the audit opinion on the 1991 financial statements , and the relevant reclassifications had been made , together with the adjustment for goodwill described above , the audit opinion would not have been qualified . ’
27 Only 30 per cent of the usual resources had been used to achieve this , and the entire harvest had been sold , he said .
28 Dent has been called a " chocolate-box village " by some writers who have assumed that the preservation of the village is due to the action of the green welly and Barbour jacket brigade ( 2.4 children called Timon and Amarintha , Range Rover with macramé or tie-dye seatcovers and this year 's Booker Prize winner on the back seat ) , but the fight to prevent the cobbles being ripped up and the narrow bridges widened was led , not by middle-class " off-comed-uns " , but by the Dalesfolk , the farmers , joiners and builders , the ordinary people who cared about their dale .
29 For the subsidy of 1534 , thirty-nine noble families were assessed : their average income was said to be £921 , fifteen of them were assessed at over £1,000 and the highest income noted was £2,266 .
30 She claimed she and the murdered girl had been drinking with the old man , and that he had killed her friend , but the old man was acquitted and McLachlan was sentenced to hang .
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