Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 First , it kept the school-leaver within the realms of dependence , emphasizing the need for guidance and employment advice ; and , secondly , it led to the eruption of a lively dispute between the Board of Education and the Board of Trade over which department should have final authority for adolescent workers in the administration of the Labour Exchanges Act 1909 .
2 Legislation to create the agency has been delayed by a dispute between the Department of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture over its role .
3 This applies most readily to a partnership , for example , where the financial statements are concerned with showing wealth and the change in wealth over the period .
4 The Plateau is currently at serious risk from man-made factors such as air pollution , the encroachment of nearby habitation and its unregulated sewage and rubbish , and the lack of control over how many tourist coaches visit the site and where they can drive .
5 In the Greek philosophy the physical world had the status of a deity to be feared and worshipped , which not surprisingly was a great constraint to the development of technology and the exercise of dominion over nature .
6 Its main aims were to slow inflation and the fall in production over the next four months , and to maximise industrial potential by offering selective support to viable industries .
7 The danger of contamination through the use of shared bar soap , the need for improved skin care , when washing is frequent , and the requirement for control over the bacterial skin flora has led to the development of a range of more sophisticated products .
8 Second we turn to the war itself : the shock of destruction , the determination to rebuild and the emergence of consensus over central direction .
9 For example , Kuznets ( 1961 ) , using time-series data for a number of countries , found little relationship between the share of investment in GDP , and the growth in output over time .
10 There is an apparent decrease in the number of polyps affecting each family member , but this may not be a valid observation due to the ages of the three daughters affected and the pattern of recurrence over many years ( 18 years in case 2 ) .
11 The chart below shows the average percentage increase in the FT-SE 100 Index over 5 years periods ( commencing 1 January ) from 1 January 1979 to 1 January 1992 in comparison to a higher rate Building Society investment and the rate of inflation over the same periods .
12 Faced now with an AOC budget for 1993 of £24 million — a cumulative increase in charges of nearly twenty per cent per annum — we can see no relationship between this figure and the rate of inflation over the ten year period , or with the numbers of operators ( 21 in 1983 , 246 currently ) or aircraft involved ’ .
13 On the other hand , if it is impossible to find any evidence of the congruence between government growth and the requirements of capitalism over a certain period .
14 There is no doubt that Greenpeace direct actions have changed the face of environmentalism and the meaning of conservation over the past few years .
15 The commitment to improving the extent of subject match through the control of teacher education , and the exertion of influence over teacher appointments , is therefore clearly substantial .
16 Success in the Persian wars and the establishment of control over the Thracian mines brought further enrichment to the treasuries .
17 For a variety of reasons Stalin rejected a ‘ Finnish ’ solution in Eastern Europe in preference to a security formula based on ideological conformity and the maintenance of control over these countries ' internal as well as external policies .
18 Before the whites came , he went on , no one in Australia was landless , since everyone inherited , as his or her private property , a stretch of the Ancestor 's song and the stretch of country over which the song passed .
19 The feeling is growing that since the occupiers of rural land benefit considerably from tax-payers ' money then tax-payers should have access to , and a degree of control over the use of such land .
20 Most librarians prefer to divide orders amongst a number of booksellers in order to give themselves greater flexibility and a degree of control over the standards of service , and also to make use of the specializations of different dealers .
21 Interactivity in an information system gives the user some influence over access to the information and a degree of control over the outcomes of using the system .
22 It is a very feminine , ‘ forties ’ style with clever shaping at the front and a panel of lace over the bodice which forms a scalloped V-shaped neckline .
23 Jones is in a Merseyside clinic after losing a stone and a half in weight over the last seven days .
24 The response of airports and airlines to the Channel Tunnel has been coloured by the impending deregulation of air transport in Europe which is expected to lead to a substantial fall in fares and a rise in business over the next few years .
25 Joe 's behaviour can also be s\described as mildly odd : his fear of returning to prison shows in his encouragement of the local children to play policeman games , telling them he will put bad boys into his private jail , and a sense of contrition over the faulty aircraft parts means he can not bear having anything the house that ought to be thrown away .
26 Control over monetary policy is political and a lack of control over it is undemocratic .
27 A critical impulse and a dream of power over nature sprang in part from natural magic — a somewhat disparate constellation of beliefs and practices ( including forms of alchemy and astrology ) rooted in the conviction that there were hidden , natural powers in the cosmos that could be tapped and channeled to human advantage .
28 Polling was essential and scurs or ‘ slugs ’ were strictly ruled out , and a fringe of hair over the forehead was desirable .
29 For thousands of years , poor drainage and an excess of rainfall over evapo-transpiration has favoured sphagnum peat growth .
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