Example sentences of "and [prep] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , Tomsk , founded in 1604 on the orders of Tsar Boris Godunov , around 60 kilometres from the confluence of the Ob and Tom rivers , ‘ served as a defensive post for protection against attacks by the local population and for subjecting them to the payment of yasak ’ .
2 That is now the task of the Chief of Defence Staff and his Central Staff , who are responsible for formulating national military strategy , and for expressing it to the government of the day and within the Whitehall market-place .
3 Left alone with Carrie , Joe sat watching her pour the boiling water into the earthenware teapot , and after bringing it to the table and setting it on a stand , she smiled at him and said softly , ‘ How are you ? ’
4 … The judges deputed to the benchers of the societies the task of giving lectures , and examining into the sufficiency of the candidates , and of calling them to the Bar , but they are still mere voluntary societies ; and they act by the authority which the judges have delegated to them .
5 For the rest of us , coming to terms with our grey hair and living with it may be a practical way of encouraging us to come to terms with our chronological age and of easing ourselves into a new age group .
6 The Malaysians hoped in particular that , once relations between Hanoi and Bangkok were normalised , the concept of neutralisation would gather new momentum because ASEAN would recognise the importance of detaching Indo-Chinese communism from the communism of China and the USSR , and of merging it in the mainstream of Southeast Asian nationalism .
7 As to this Lord Roskill said , at p. 333 : ‘ That was not , of course , a label switching case , but it is a plain case of appropriation effected by the combination of the acts of removing the goods from the shelf and of concealing them in the shopping bag .
8 What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions ?
9 But , he argues , the placing of politics — ‘ the art of foreseeing war and of winning it by every means ’ — before morality overlooks the extent to which war constitutes the philosophical concept of being itself .
10 It follows from these conjectures that members of literate societies have the possibility of developing logical functions , of specialising in the ‘ truth functions ’ of language , and of extracting themselves from the embeddedness of everyday social life .
11 In this case I am satisfied that the doctors were justified in disregarding the written instructions of Miss T. and of treating her on the basis of an emergency .
12 Is it not also a fact that in this case it is clear that , if the Court of Appeal believes that he had no intention of flouting a court order and of putting himself above the law , that should be good enough for the rest of us ?
13 During the eight years I worked for Fred Workman he never lectured me on the practice or ethics of journalism , and in assigning me to a story he never told me what to do .
14 In summary then the difficulties for the Archive lie in trying to identify users ’ needs and in providing them with the appropriate service on a range from an on-line determined access ( in which the Archive itself is relatively ‘ transparent ’ ) through to a supportive guided approach .
15 A friend of Apollinaire , Soffici was possibly the only man in Italy at the time with a clear idea of Cubism and its aims , and in contrasting it with the work of the young Futurists no doubt felt that his strictures were justified .
16 Participants were particularly inspired by the lead given by Namibia in defining communication policy ( see pages 4 and 5 of this newsletter ) and in placing it at the service of justice , freedom and democratic growth .
17 Participants were particularly inspired by the lead given by Namibia in defining communication policy ( see pages 4 and 5 of this newsletter ) and in placing it at the service of justice , freedom and democratic growth .
18 However , he did so without conceding a share in his legitimacy to the Resistance inside France and without confining himself to the role of the Resistance 's leader .
19 He devoted a lot of time to the personal relationships of politics and to conducting them in a mollifying , unhurried way .
20 The importance of locational specifications in general can be gauged from the fact that there seem to be two basic ways of referring to objects — by describing or naming them on the one hand , and by locating them on the other ( Lyons , 1977a : 648 ) .
21 In the eighteenth century the princes of continental Europe had become absolute by gaining direct control of the armed forces and by allying themselves with the landowning nobility .
22 ( viii ) Pupils should be taught to help the reader by leaving a space between words and by ending sentences with a full stop or question mark and by beginning them with a capital letter .
23 If he then requires bailiff service the bailiff serves the summons by delivering it at the said address and by delivering it to the person having , or appearing to have , control or management there alternatively to a partner personally .
24 ‘ The first stage must be to strengthen and safeguard freedom of speech and expression by a Freedom of Information Act and by entrenching them in a Bill of Rights . ’
25 But if you 're prepared to learn how to do the wiring and to do the ‘ building ’ work ( and redecorating ) involved , it 's not difficult to improve the lighting arrangements in your home by fitting new permanent lights , and by doing something about the switching set-up .
26 Psychometric testers have no doubt that they can construct a profile of your personality and aptitudes by asking 1,000 questions during a four-hour session , and by following them with an intensive two-hour interview with an occupational psychologist .
27 The purpose of the exhibition is to take the works out of their conventional contexts within the museum 's main galleries or store and by placing them in a new , thematic context to raise different issues and ideas .
28 In my right hand was a small tray , and by tilting it in the breeze I found that I could obtain enough lift to get up to any height I wanted , and was soon soaring into the air , travelling at will .
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