Example sentences of "and [adj] as [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There was such quiet authority in his deep voice that she nodded , instinctively obeying the command , remaining stiff and unfeeling as she watched him go back inside .
2 In practice , you probably have to err this way and that as you tell your story , sometimes risking the reader learning too much , sometimes risking losing interest by not giving the reader the feeling that there is enough material for tentative speculation .
3 He was slim and attractive , certainly , but his body was not quite as tense and muscular as he felt it ought to be .
4 It may be soft and warm as you inhale it but once it is inside your body it becomes as hard and tough as the surface of that road .
5 Since he was the majority shareholder , this would have meant his family getting hold of the business — and much as we liked them , this was n't a prospect we exactly relished .
6 In her heart she thought : Kind as she has been to me , and much as I respect her , your wife , my lord , is the last lady living to whom I am likely to apply .
7 They were having a great time looking at the animals and listening as we explained which countries they were all from .
8 By then it was too late to try and change her policy , for the overseer seemed to have taken a real dislike to her , watching for any slip she made , so that he could punish her for being high and mighty as he called it .
9 ‘ That 's not long now , ’ she tried to sound cheerful and bracing as she saw her neighbour 's lower lip tremble .
10 She sounded distant and cold as she told me she would marry the man her father had selected from millions , and that was the end of it .
11 As at home , your diet is as healthy and balanced as you make it — it 's up to you .
12 She felt very vulnerable and awkward as she followed him into the room .
13 We realise that as the play develops she is not as ‘ white ’ and good as she wants us to believe .
14 Their answers are both forthright and fascinating as they reveal their most private thoughts .
15 Feel lithe and graceful as you do them .
16 Feel slim , elegant and graceful as you do them .
17 Feel slim and graceful as you do them .
18 Feel slim and graceful as you do them .
19 And thence to Halifax where they had entered the town in their thousands , led by the women , Sairellen had been pleased to hear , walking four and five abreast , empty-handed and bare-headed as she had herself once walked to York , singing the psalm she too had sung on that day .
20 Her face looked calm and beautiful as it slept its enforced slumber , the lips slightly parted , the dark curls spilling over a pale cheek .
21 Mrs Browning was still pale and shaky as we settled ourselves by the fire ( and what the moon saw , or what it might have seen if its beams could have penetrated the closely-drawn curtains supplemented by plastic sheeting to foil the poison gas , might have seemed a little unusual ; but who can tell what strange sights are enclosed within the cheerful light of a curtained window ? ) .
22 Every feather in her boa fluttered and caressed as she lifted her arm and her glass .
23 Feel slim , graceful and elegant as you do them .
24 As the campaign progressed , his rallies became increasingly visionary and evangelical as he narrowed his eyes and gazed at horizons no one else could see .
25 On shaky legs she walked slowly over to him , stood before him , her breathing suddenly shallow and jerky as he moved his dark gaze the length of her body .
26 They are soft and soothing as they cover my body
27 A huge rocky outcrop at the far end jutted up and beneath it a small river or burn flowed quietly , turning and twisting as it followed its banks .
28 Everything Nicolas or Bridget says is wrapped in inverted commas , which open as the character opens his mouth and close as he closes it .
29 Feel beautiful , lithe and positive as you do them .
30 Everyone was black-faced and weary , and numbed as they contemplated their own futures .
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